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fair or foul: Texas Mom Chases Son, Beats Him With Belt After He Takes Family's BMW


Unverified Legion of Trill member

One Texas mom gave chase after her BMW was taken for a joyride by her teenage son.

Aaron Martinez, 14, has been dubbed the "El Paso Ferris Bueller" after he hatched a plan to sneak out of his Texas home by turning off the Wi-Fi.

"At that point it blocks out my cameras, my home security, I don't see when the doors are being opened and closed,” his mom, Lisa, told Inside Edition.

Lisa was at work, unaware that Aaron had left in the car to pick up his friend.

That friend's mom found out and contacted Lisa.

"I immediately called my daughter and I told her, ‘Go outside and see if my car is there,' and she said, 'It's not there,'" Lisa recalled.

Lisa sped home and picked up her daughter, Liza, who recorded the whole ordeal and posted it on social media.

They quickly tracked him down at a nearby intersection and Lisa screamed for her son to pull over.

Once he stopped, Lisa hopped out to teach him a lesson, disciplining him right there on the side of the road with a belt.

"It’s my son's well-being, his livelihood, his best friend's well-being, not to mention all the other people on the roadways,” Lisa said.

As a result, her son may think twice before pulling a stunt like that again.

"I deserved it," he told Inside Edition. "I made a bad choice and I won't do it again."

It was not the first time Aaron took one of his parents' cars, so he's grounded till further notice. His mom also took his door off its hinges and confiscated his electronics.
Did that shit with my friends family car. Ended up stuck in a snowbank trying to do doughnuts in the field behind our middle school. After we finally dig that shit out and get back to the block police already there waiting. They call my parents to come get me from the parking lot and they deadass told them to take me to jail lmao and they would come get me in the morning. My friends mom took me in for the night.

Anyway this shit fair. His sister ain't shit tho.
It was his sister that was recording, im sure I would do the same thing if my brother was wildin like that AND momma had the belt ready lol

Daughter needs a licking, too. Gonna get momma on the news because she's part of the social media Gen

On top of the ass whoopin’, the kid is grounded until 2019; phone, internet, friends, school events, all banned and mom removed his bedroom door.