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Ellen Says She Was Molested At 15


Wish more of the LGBT community would be more forthcoming about their past.

Most of them are the way they are because they were molested as children.

It's been said close to 98-99% of all homosexuals were sexually abused or groomed into that lifestyle. I'd have to find the article but there was a gay woman that said that the LGBT community has been intentionally suppressing this information and rolling with "born this way" because it's a better look for them.

Wish more of the LGBT community would be more forthcoming about their past.

Most of them are the way they are because they were molested as children.

ehh thats a gross generalization.

Also being sexually assaulted/molested at 15 is fucked up and definitely affects you, but i doubt its gonna screw up your sexual compass so badly
i ain't touching that shit

I found the quote, it's by well known lesbian feminist and university professor Camille Paglia:

"Every single gay person I know has some sort of drama going on, back in childhood. Something was happening that we’re not allowed to ask about anymore . . . I can see patterns that are similar in my background to that of other women I know who are lesbians, but the biggest patterns are in gay men. Every single gay man I know had a particular pattern where for whatever reason, he was closer to his mother than to his father, and there was some sort of distance between the mother and the father, so that she looked to her son as her real equal or friend, as the real companion of her soul. Sometimes these women were discreet and dignified. Other times, they were very theatrical and in a sense they drafted their son into their own drama. But now, you are not allowed to ask any questions about the childhood of gay people anymore. It’s called ‘homophobic’. The entire psychology establishment has shut itself down, politically . . . and also, Freud was kicked out by early feminism in the late 60s and early 70s. So all the sophistication of analysis that I knew in my college years when I went to the state university of New York – there were a group of radical young Jewish students from the New York area – they were so psychologically sophisticated in being able to analyze the family background. It’s all gone, that entire discourse is gone. Everything is political now. Families are bankrupting themselves, sending their kids to the elite schools to learn a political style of analysis (that says) ‘every single thing in the human person has been formed by some external force upon us, we are oppressed, it’s being inscribed on us’. It’s really sick. It’s a sick and stupid way of looking at human psychology . . . we are in a period now of psychological stupidity."

It's simple psychology: Victims of childhood trauma are the most likely to victimize others in the same or similar ways either as older children or adults.

Children that were victims of physical abuse are more likely to physically abuse their own children or other children, this is a well known fact.
Likewise, if a child has been subjected to sexual abuse or some form of grooming into sexually abusive behavior (aka "it's ok, all guys do it"-type shit), then they are more likely to abuse other children or their own as adults.

How this plays into the overall narrative is that the perception of homosexuals has been carefully and intentionally crafted over the last 20-25 years to appear as if they don't have the same issues as heterosexuals and are somehow not afflicted with the same societal ills to the point where same-sex abuse of a child is now classified as pedophilia with the whole homosexual aspect of it removed despite the fact that it would, indeed, be a homosexual act. As the LGBT community pushed for more rights, naturally the right for same-sex couples to adopt became an issue. If we they were to acknowledge that they're the product of childhood sexual abuse, then there would be serious concerns about whether or not they would be fit as adoptive parents. They have such control over their image in that regard that there was a study on same-sex couple adoption versus heterosexual couple adoption released some years ago that had a rather glowing narrative about how well adjusted the children of the same-sex couples were opposed to adopted children of hetero couples only to find that the families in the study were cherry-picked to show exactly that.
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I found the quote, it's by well known lesbian feminist and university professor Camille Paglia:

"Every single gay person I know has some sort of drama going on, back in childhood. Something was happening that we’re not allowed to ask about anymore . . . I can see patterns that are similar in my background to that of other women I know who are lesbians, but the biggest patterns are in gay men. Every single gay man I know had a particular pattern where for whatever reason, he was closer to his mother than to his father, and there was some sort of distance between the mother and the father, so that she looked to her son as her real equal or friend, as the real companion of her soul. Sometimes these women were discreet and dignified. Other times, they were very theatrical and in a sense they drafted their son into their own drama. But now, you are not allowed to ask any questions about the childhood of gay people anymore. It’s called ‘homophobic’. The entire psychology establishment has shut itself down, politically . . . and also, Freud was kicked out by early feminism in the late 60s and early 70s. So all the sophistication of analysis that I knew in my college years when I went to the state university of New York – there were a group of radical young Jewish students from the New York area – they were so psychologically sophisticated in being able to analyze the family background. It’s all gone, that entire discourse is gone. Everything is political now. Families are bankrupting themselves, sending their kids to the elite schools to learn a political style of analysis (that says) ‘every single thing in the human person has been formed by some external force upon us, we are oppressed, it’s being inscribed on us’. It’s really sick. It’s a sick and stupid way of looking at human psychology . . . we are in a period now of psychological stupidity."

It's simple psychology: Victims of childhood trauma are the most likely to victimize others in the same or similar ways either as older children or adults.

Children that were victims of physical abuse are more likely to physically abuse their own children or other children, this is a well known fact.
Likewise, if a child has been subjected to sexual abuse or some form of grooming into sexually abusive behavior (aka "it's ok, all guys do it"-type shit), then they are more likely to abuse other children or their own as adults.

How this plays into the overall narrative is that the perception of homosexuals has been carefully and intentionally crafted over the last 20-25 years to appear as if they don't have the same issues as heterosexuals and are somehow not afflicted with the same societal ills to the point where same-sex abuse of a child is now classified as pedophilia with the whole homosexual aspect of it removed despite the fact that it would, indeed, be a homosexual act. As the LGBT community pushed for more rights, naturally the right for same-sex couples to adopt became an issue. If we they were to acknowledge that they're the product of childhood sexual abuse, then there would be serious concerns about whether or not they would be fit as adoptive parents. They have such control over their image in that regard that there was a study on same-sex couple adoption versus heterosexual couple adoption released some years ago that had a rather glowing narrative about how well adjusted the children of the same-sex couples were opposed to adopted children of hetero couples only to find that the families in the study were cherry-picked to show exactly that.

So are people molested by the opposite more likely to be promiscuous?
I'm not sure I believe that boys who were sexually abused as children more likely to become homosexuals. Homosexuality been with humanity since the earliest times we know of and same sex behavior has been observed in pretty much every animal species we have studied. How do people explain this? They have all been molested??

Homosexuality is complicated. You have so many scientists and psychiatrist with many different opinions on this subject. The only thing all of them will agree on is that you can't cure homosexuality. That's something only your pastor will tell you lol.
I'm not sure I believe that boys who were sexually abused as children more likely to become homosexuals. Homosexuality been with humanity since the earliest times we know of and same sex behavior has been observed in pretty much every animal species we have studied. How do people explain this? They have all been molested??

Homosexuality is complicated. You have so many scientists and psychiatrist with many different opinions on this subject. The only thing all of them will agree on is that you can't cure homosexuality. That's something only your pastor will tell you lol.

People dont want to view gay as a natural occurence because it does not lead to reproduction. But then act like the purpose of sex is only for reproduction. May have been true when we were first evolving but people are higher thinkers now. Not being disgusted by gay people makes others think its gonna turn the world gay or some how population decrease. But gays can still have kids just not with each other.

And some people feel like gays just want special treatment.
Uhhh, not to be insen... fuck it 15 is a bit old. That's a high school sophmore. If you can have a learners permit to operate a 2 ton vehicle you can prevent abuse.
Uhhh, not to be insen... fuck it 15 is a bit old. That's a high school sophmore. If you can have a learners permit to operate a 2 ton vehicle you can prevent abuse.

Thats retarded for so many reasons. 15 years olds aint that physically strong especially girls. Its grown men who get sexually abused bro. Some of yall niggas just type anything.
I found the quote, it's by well known lesbian feminist and university professor Camille Paglia:

"Every single gay person I know has some sort of drama going on, back in childhood. Something was happening that we’re not allowed to ask about anymore . . . I can see patterns that are similar in my background to that of other women I know who are lesbians, but the biggest patterns are in gay men. Every single gay man I know had a particular pattern where for whatever reason, he was closer to his mother than to his father, and there was some sort of distance between the mother and the father, so that she looked to her son as her real equal or friend, as the real companion of her soul. Sometimes these women were discreet and dignified. Other times, they were very theatrical and in a sense they drafted their son into their own drama. But now, you are not allowed to ask any questions about the childhood of gay people anymore. It’s called ‘homophobic’. The entire psychology establishment has shut itself down, politically . . . and also, Freud was kicked out by early feminism in the late 60s and early 70s. So all the sophistication of analysis that I knew in my college years when I went to the state university of New York – there were a group of radical young Jewish students from the New York area – they were so psychologically sophisticated in being able to analyze the family background. It’s all gone, that entire discourse is gone. Everything is political now. Families are bankrupting themselves, sending their kids to the elite schools to learn a political style of analysis (that says) ‘every single thing in the human person has been formed by some external force upon us, we are oppressed, it’s being inscribed on us’. It’s really sick. It’s a sick and stupid way of looking at human psychology . . . we are in a period now of psychological stupidity."

It's simple psychology: Victims of childhood trauma are the most likely to victimize others in the same or similar ways either as older children or adults.

Children that were victims of physical abuse are more likely to physically abuse their own children or other children, this is a well known fact.
Likewise, if a child has been subjected to sexual abuse or some form of grooming into sexually abusive behavior (aka "it's ok, all guys do it"-type shit), then they are more likely to abuse other children or their own as adults.

How this plays into the overall narrative is that the perception of homosexuals has been carefully and intentionally crafted over the last 20-25 years to appear as if they don't have the same issues as heterosexuals and are somehow not afflicted with the same societal ills to the point where same-sex abuse of a child is now classified as pedophilia with the whole homosexual aspect of it removed despite the fact that it would, indeed, be a homosexual act. As the LGBT community pushed for more rights, naturally the right for same-sex couples to adopt became an issue. If we they were to acknowledge that they're the product of childhood sexual abuse, then there would be serious concerns about whether or not they would be fit as adoptive parents. They have such control over their image in that regard that there was a study on same-sex couple adoption versus heterosexual couple adoption released some years ago that had a rather glowing narrative about how well adjusted the children of the same-sex couples were opposed to adopted children of hetero couples only to find that the families in the study were cherry-picked to show exactly that.

Wow I completely disagree with pretty much all of this. Firstly this just one opinion and she didn't cite any study. Secondly she talkin' like Freud work has been discredited because of PC when it happened because his a lot of his ideas are wacko.

Third I don't see the connection between abused children's increased tendency to be abusive with homosexuals. As a group they're a very non violent bunch so I dunno what you're gettin' at there.

I don't think I understand the point about a forced narrative wherein homosexuals and hetero have different issues.
Bruh youre jamaican. We dont ask yall about gays same way we dont ask Alabama crackers about abortion or racism
Hold up
Hey yo #Jamaicanopinonsmatteryo

But yea I understand
homosexuals. As a group they're a very non violent bunch so I dunno what you're gettin' at there.
Common Myths about LGBTQ Domestic Violence

Submitted by the HRC Foundation Public Education & Research Staff with contributions from Ashley Taylor

October marks National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, when millions of Americans pay increased attention to addressing domestic violence (also known as intimate partner violence) and supporting its victims.

We know the numbers are astronomical: nationally, one in three women and one in four men are victims of domestic violence at some point in their lifetime and the impact can be lasting and devastating. However, very little is often known or discussed regarding domestic violence in LGBTQ relationships. To highlight the importance of this topic within the LGBTQ community, here are some common myths:

Myth: Domestic violence is mainly a ‘straight’ issue and does not occur often in LGBTQ relationships.

Truth: Although many people believe that only straight women can be victims of domestic violence, domestic violence actually occurs in LGBTQ relationships at similar or higher rates than in the general population.

Myth: Incidents of domestic violence are less severe in LGBTQ relationships than when it happens in straight relationships.

Truth: The abuse experienced by LGBTQ individuals can be equally or more damaging. Studies show that gay men and bisexual women are more likely to experience severe physical violence than their straight counterparts, including being beaten, burned or choked.

Myth: Psychological violence, which includes name calling, insulting, humiliating or attempting to monitor, control or threaten a partner, is not as serious as physical or sexual violence.

Truth: Psychological violence can be an equally devastating form of abuse. In particular, threats to out another person's sexual orientation or gender identity as a means of control are unique to the LGBTQ communty.