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Efforts to diversify Manhattan schools angers white parents


G Money is Cash

Because of that, we have some real opportunities here to do things that others perhaps don’t do. But we also have to understand that, because we take everyone, that we have challenges that students and families come to us with — particularly when they live in an urban environment. It’s stressful living in an urban environment. That’s why when we talk about social-emotional learning, trauma-informed instruction, it’s a real thing for us. Because there’s trauma living in an urban environment.

My philosophy is that the work of school improvement and building great schools, when you take everyone, is not sexy work. It’s not. It’s blue collar, roll-up-your-sleeves, pay attention to lots of things. But what is really, really provocative is when you can put those systems and structure in place and you get really accelerated outcomes for students and you’re developing and graduating students, that really is sexy.


here is a quick profile on the new Chancellor in NYC on his plans
I understand the school systems position and even somewhat agree. Designating 25% of the more affluent schools slots to underprivileged kids is a quick fix. I also understand the "privileged" parents position. It's about working hard to give your kids the best, blah blah and so on. (Not to mention keeping money whites with money whites) But this is an example of where they ignore the power of local government. Make those local politicians do their jobs and make real lasting improvements to the schools that are lacking. We don't need black kids bussed across town to rub shoulders with rich white kids who simply don't want them there. Fix the schools that need it. It takes parental involvement and awareness to demand change. Without it they will continue to make changes that simply fall flat.
I understand the school systems position and even somewhat agree. Designating 25% of the more affluent schools slots to underprivileged kids is a quick fix. I also understand the "privileged" parents position. It's about working hard to give your kids the best, blah blah and so on. (Not to mention keeping money whites with money whites) But this is an example of where they ignore the power of local government. Make those local politicians do their jobs and make real lasting improvements to the schools that are lacking. We don't need black kids bussed across town to rub shoulders with rich white kids who simply don't want them there. Fix the schools that need it. It takes parental involvement and awareness to demand change. Without it they will continue to make changes that simply fall flat.

I get that however the economic makeup of the community also has a great deal in the resources allotted to school.racism structure runs deep .. Re developing communities is a tremendous task there are more than one way to skin the cat. Thats why voting matters... but tell that shit to some and they say it doesnt matter.

heres on womens account within this thread about her experience

The way the new school chancellor commented on this he gained my respect. Him and that white principal at the meeting who was absolutely disgusted by these entitled ass liberal white parents. Always talking about "we want progress for all" until it affects their own bottom line.

The most telling was the one lady who goes "It's not fair, our kids could only really go to like four schools" no they could go to more but your racist and classist ass doesn't believe in true fairness.

So glad they exposed themselves like this. Now people can see just how toxic the white liberals really are in this city. Just as bad as the conservative counterparts they always want to chastise.
The way the new school chancellor commented on this he gained my respect. Him and that white principal at the meeting who was absolutely disgusted by these entitled ass liberal white parents. Always talking about "we want progress for all" until it affects their own bottom line.

The most telling was the one lady who goes "It's not fair, our kids could only really go to like four schools" no they could go to more but your racist and classist ass doesn't believe in true fairness.

So glad they exposed themselves like this. Now people can see just how toxic the white liberals really are in this city. Just as bad as the conservative counterparts they always want to chastise.

I don't know why you keep saying this.

You're not liberal if you don't believe in being liberal. You're just a conservative pretending to be liberal.
I don't know why you keep saying this.

You're not liberal if you don't believe in being liberal. You're just a conservative pretending to be liberal.

No. That's just a childish frame of thought.

But reality isn't binary or black and white like you're trying to imply.

I hold both liberal (social) and conservative (economics) viewpoints but don't identify as either.

Furthermore most people who identify as liberal and are white more often than not prove to be wolves in sheep's clothing. No more better than socially narrow minded conservatives. Just much more insidious cause they use the issues of the oppressed as stepping stones for themselves.

History has taught us as much and I deal in truth not in absolutes.

The most visible white liberals who were ever truly about what liberal viewpoints are truly about in this country were the Kennedy brothers and they both got murked for it.
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There may be some broad brush strokes there.. but i will say alot of these whites.. want people to check their tones.. and are more concerned with some bullshit harmony and want it to be on their terms with their methods.. and seem to get way from the crux of the issue and focus on what makes them feel bad/uncomfortable rather than the central issue at hand i hand a quick exchange on twitter.
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There may be some broad brush strokes here.. but i will say alot of these whites.. want people to check their tones.. and are more concerned with some bullshit harmony and want it to be on their terms with their methods.. and seem to get way from the crux of the issue and focus on what makes them feel bad/uncomfortable rather than the central issue at hand i hand a quick exchange on twitter.

you cant be both.

Of course you can. There's no certification process. All you have to do is say "I'm a liberal or conservative. " That's it. There is no punishment for acting out of character. You can even lie when it's convenient.
White folks don't realize they contribute to this problem....white flight leaves areas decimated when home values tank...all so they can get away from us...but then the schools who rely on that tax revenue suffer. In comes deseg