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Eating while black.

Im suing.

Trauma. PTSD. Pain and Suffering.

My neck and my back.


Sue the hell out of them.

His wife handled things very cool and collected which was very smart. I understand him being upset but she was the real MVP. Deescalating the situation as well as she could by getting the husband to back away, videoing the incident, and getting the officers Info. She should've zoomed in on their badge numbers as well.

I hope this couple gets paid and folks online do some research on the cops shown in the video to see if they have a reputation for doing things like this
Ya know.

I actually thought this was gonna be a joke. Maybe ended w/ him proposing to his girl. Just to hope this wasn't real.

that one cop was giving him that "give me a reason boy" look while jotting down info like no one should be upset they just got accused and arrested over some bullshit.....Like a man on the run from the law is gonna fucking HIDE OUT IN THE GODDAMN FOOD COURT WITH SOME RANDOM ASS FAMILY??

To them they were "just doing thier job" FOH!!

They articles says the chief is investigating to see if the officer followed policy. What if he did? What then? Are they just going to act like everything is all good? If your policies allow for officers to wrongly target and harass people just trying to live their lives, you need new policies.
How tf yall don't even ask questions to verify who you arresting before throwing cuffs on someone? Smh these mfs don't even do the bare minimum of they job but expect everyone to respect them.