Fuck the narrative they've been trying to push on the Budden podcast, What A Time To Be Alive 1 was fire. I expect the same with this one.
i dont care about this shit
so y the fuck are u in here faggot
People go to line is “it’s just Drake on some Future records” So?
lol that critique trash af
Fuck Drake and Fuck Future for working with Drake.
As a person that like the first album, it just didnt sound like an album that was created by both. yall remember fab summeertime shootout 3 and how ppl thought it wasnt as good. Well on the JBP he said some of the tracks were already finished and he just put he 16 or whatever down. Same thing here just add drake. Compare that to the dave east & rae album. sounds like two people working off each others sound
Fuck Drake and Fuck Future for working with Drake.