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Does Everybody Feel Like They've Been Treated Unfairly?

5 Grand

Old School Godfather
The reason I ask is because I'm going through some things right now in my personal life. I'm wondering if everybody feels like you've been treated unfairly and if "they" didn't do XYZ then you would be in a better place?

Or do you feel like you are where you deserve to be?

Example; 10-15 years ago person X lied, or did something to me. If that never happened my life would be totally different.

Does everybody feel like that?
The reason I ask is because I'm going through some things right now in my personal life.

I should really be in Africa chilling right now.
Watching wild lions and touring the Serengeti with my machete
Reading books and sightseeing through, Timbuktu
Resting my eyelids on top of the pyramids

But nah muhfuckas just had to come through and offer niggaz free trips to see the world
Yes, I felt like that for most of my youth.

That feeling of unfairness mean you (not you directly, but the general You) haven't accepted the ultimate responsibility for your life.

The dilemma that all human beings have is that we are a social creature that relies on trust and promises in order to sustain our life. When you go to the doctor, you trust he will act for your best interest. When you go to school, the school promises they will educate you to the best of their ability. Same with your parents or whoever in your life.

We can't survive on our own. But for the most part, the responsibility of our lives is not shared across society.

The individual bares the weight of their life. You have to live with the betrayal of your trust and broken promises you received. Nobody else but you.

Once you realize this, you are able to truly advocate for yourself.
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It’s life…

Don’t dwell on what should’ve been because you don’t know how things REALLY COULD HAVE ENDED UP being….

I’ve felt misjudged since a young teen…I was always considered to be very good looking, athletic, artistically inclined and well read…

BUT I carried a lot of family burdens and ordeals that made me carry myself seriously and SOME people would assume me to be mean or conceited…then whenever I would try to lighten up and joke around SOME people would assume me to be crass or unkempt

Whenever I would perform a genuine act of kindness SOME people would assume I was only doing it for superficial reasons

SOME people assumed I was a bully….

SOME people assumed I was too nonchalant

SOME people assumed I was a player/ladies man because of the way I looked and talked

SOME people assumed I would never “do this“ only to find out I “did that”

The point is people are going to assume shit cause they ain’t YOU…..every human being is an iceberg. Most only see the surface, only few are going to take the time to dive deep and see the rest of who you truly are from the origin
Do I FEEL, i've been treated unfairly??

This is an ethics/morals topic. What feelings got to do with it?

If a drunk driver backs into a parked car, and walks away like nothing happened and doesn't leave a note or take responsibility, then the person with the parked car absolutely was treated unfairly. We don't even have to bring feelings into the discussion.
Do I FEEL, i've been treated unfairly??

This is an ethics/morals topic. What feelings got to do with it?

If a drunk driver backs into a parked car, and walks away like nothing happened and doesn't leave a note or take responsibility, then the person with the parked car absolutely was treated unfairly. We don't even have to bring feelings into the discussion.

@16bitSheez I guess what I'm asking is; is it something you think about?

Lately (over the past few years) I've been doing a lot of soul searching (also writing rhymes and recording music). I have a handful of songs where I speak about things that happened in my past. One way to look at it is; All of that happened in the past, it's time to move on with life. Another way to look at it is; what else am I supposed to rap about?

To take your example about a drunk driver backing into a car. The person with the parked car was treated unfairly. But is it something he should forget? Should he move on with his life? What if the drunk driver hits somebody and that person is paralyzed from the waist down? Is it something he should try to forget and move on with his life, or is it something that he cannot forget, will never forget and cannot stop thinking about?

I'm 49 and there's some things that I cannot stop thinking about. Things that happened 20-30 years ago. But does everybody have things from 20-30 years ago that they cannot stop thinking about?
@16bitSheez I guess what I'm asking is; is it something you think about?

Lately (over the past few years) I've been doing a lot of soul searching (also writing rhymes and recording music). I have a handful of songs where I speak about things that happened in my past. One way to look at it is; All of that happened in the past, it's time to move on with life. Another way to look at it is; what else am I supposed to rap about?

To take your example about a drunk driver backing into a car. The person with the parked car was treated unfairly. But is it something he should forget? Should he move on with his life? What if the drunk driver hits somebody and that person is paralyzed from the waist down? Is it something he should try to forget and move on with his life, or is it something that he cannot forget, will never forget and cannot stop thinking about?

I'm 49 and there's some things that I cannot stop thinking about. Things that happened 20-30 years ago. But does everybody have things from 20-30 years ago that they cannot stop thinking about?
Hopefully you been doing soul searching about cruel you are to Jews. Btw I have Jewish family.
@16bitSheez I guess what I'm asking is; is it something you think about?

Lately (over the past few years) I've been doing a lot of soul searching (also writing rhymes and recording music). I have a handful of songs where I speak about things that happened in my past. One way to look at it is; All of that happened in the past, it's time to move on with life. Another way to look at it is; what else am I supposed to rap about?

To take your example about a drunk driver backing into a car. The person with the parked car was treated unfairly. But is it something he should forget? Should he move on with his life? What if the drunk driver hits somebody and that person is paralyzed from the waist down? Is it something he should try to forget and move on with his life, or is it something that he cannot forget, will never forget and cannot stop thinking about?

I'm 49 and there's some things that I cannot stop thinking about. Things that happened 20-30 years ago. But does everybody have things from 20-30 years ago that they cannot stop thinking about?
I see, when you put it like that. Some stuff might pass thru my mind every blue moon, but I don’t have much emotion tied to it. Like recent stuff between me and my ex which lead to why we not together. Or stuff my family did against me in the past. I’ve long ago reached the point where I learned to get over those feelings though. Now my thing is like, why sweat it?

But if you doing music man then that’s a whole different thing. You need to tap into those feels to help lend to the creative process I’m sure. I wouldn’t dwell on it though much outside of creating.
Fairness is an illusion of order. Order is the product of mankind's ego. Ideas are dangerous. Perhaps the most dangerous idea mankind ever shared was the idea of God, because then we tried to assume this role, despite our claim of respect and subordination. The idea of God has lead us to believing that a lack of control and a failure to maintain or establish order is our failure. Whether it be within yourself or the world around you, order is an illusion that you are in control life.

I don't believe in heaven or hell. I'm not too old, but I'm not too young. Though in my life I have yet to meet anyone without a story to tell in which they didn't struggle with the idea that they could not control something that they believe changed their life. "Give it to God" is what they settle on, because it soothes their ego that something must be in control; something reflecting the better part of them, the stronger part. The misunderstanding that we aren't a product of chaos and happenstance is why we think life is supposed to be fair.