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do you have a uncle tom or a aunt jemima in your immediate family?

Not that I know of. There's probly some in the extended family cuz it's just a numbers game at that point. Bound to be a few somewhere.
I also had two brotherly Rwandan cousins thrice removed, each one living respectively in Burundi and U.S.A. , who adheres fanatically to the populist propaganda fuel spewed by Paul Kagame's minions across Africa.

This genocidal motherfucker murdered dozens of our relatives as well as millions of Africans, was the reason why they now live abroad for decades and regardless they praise his skinny Uncle Tom ass. The audacity.
My mother is not an Aunt Jemina, but at some point during my teenage and early twenties, it was strictly forbidden to say how shitty Trump was. She nearly threw a glass on my face once, six years ago just because I said he was a fraudulent narcisst and a racist.

After that one time Trump gloated about groping women by their p#@^@, she stopped admiring him. However, it is now forbidden to talk about how shitty Kamala Harris is.
Pops is the only Refucklican I know, and while he doesn’t go out of his way to treat white people better than black, he DID defend a lot of Donnie Dumbass’s fuckery.

Weirded me out because Pops is also a preacher, which more than anything dragged him to the Trash Ol’ Party aka the TOP.
Pops is the only Refucklican I know, and while he doesn’t go out of his way to treat white people better than black, he DID defend a lot of Donnie Dumbass’s fuckery.

Weirded me out because Pops is also a preacher, which more than anything dragged him to the Trash Ol’ Party aka the TOP.

A lot of African American preachers adhered more but once to Trump's electoral support platform, drawn by either money or an affinity into Trump's twisted, populist imagery about some "great America" that oddly and favorably echoes into a substantial number of conservative Black American Christians... well enough for having about half of the black vote being pro-Trump twice.
i have 1 cousin who lives his life to please white folks..... ain't neva seen him wit a black woman in his life...... but he always showin his teeth when a basic white woman walks past him..... he's the epitome of the term house nigga.

My two older brothers have a preference into non-black women too. In the case of the eldest one, into white Quebecois women and Frenchmaids with little to no hint of "exoticiness" creeping in, then my late older brother into non-black women hailing from communities or towns that hates black people, although I already saw him dating a West Indian but she was rude, bipolar, irreverencious, borderline psychotic, lowly and enough fucked top to once molest me while I was taking a shower. He also dated a Seychellian once, whose half of her family loathed mine as well as any mainland African for decades: that MOFO had fallaciously accused him of rape. Even her own cousins rejected her because she was a mad liar and sought to get into a beef with the wrong man.

My mother had very quite often qualified them in her teeth of being race traitors for these, and recalled us every few once and then that our relatives and ethnic brethren in our familial homeland would strongly disapprove these miscagenatory relationships with non-Africans (in particular with both Caucasians and Semitic populations, who are still regarded as "inferior" , "slaves" , "heathens" , "lost" , "impure" or "lowly" by any who musnt been brainwashed by the imperialist propaganda from the ex-colonizers-- heck, the general denomination we give to white people in Central Africa's languagues commonly meant "drunkyards" , "the untrustworthy ones" , "They who are zigzaguing along" ,"Errands, Landless ones, Nomads" ... this speaks volumes about the enmity that some precolonial sub-Saharan African populations and nations held toward the incoming Europeans) , but we all know why they winded up being preferably acquaitancing with women of less favourable ethnic background. They got frequently bullied, beaten down or obliged into a fight back in elementary school by cliques of black folks whose ringleaders happened often to be either Haitian girls or their own countrygirls. Our mother and aunt stopped attending church when I was around age 4 because some bitter, envious fellow older countrywomen were bullying and beating my siblings and cousins most every single Sunday for the sole petty purpose to pick a fight with their mothers. And at last, even my own mother wasn't helping in that situation: she was the estrangled (now widowed) wife of an absent father, who has proven at some occassions to be overbearing, sassy, abusive, arrogant, colerical, melancholic, overly assertive and even borderline purpoted into attempting to emasculate her sons while expecting from us thst we become the exact opposite and in sommer manner spoiling them too much. The younger you are as a sibling, the less favored you were yet simultaneously cuddled and spoiled the least of her favorite children (save my older sister until their reconciliation years ago, and me since age 9) . Our late grandmother was the sweetest angel and a lioness for her grandchildren but a toxic and abusive mother for all of her children, in particular my mother that she regarded as a rival. Female famed role models in our native country have the same mindset, if not even worse and the very few fellow country sisthren they dated during their adolescence had all reportedly attempted to murder them.

No wonder why they've been fed up of black women at some point. My deceaded older brother used to be half-baffled and half-flustered to hear that the hook-up I was frequenting the most was West Indian and that I was still holding an opened "second-chance" mindset toward black women, in particular both our countrywomen and West Indians. He told me to NEVER trust any them, that our countrywomen were a lost cause... it's been six or seven years since the last time he gave me that advice and I've still been unable to prove him wrong, even on his grave. Montreal is such a toxic wasteland, both socially and mentally wise.
My mother is not an Aunt Jemina, but at some point during my teenage and early twenties, it was strictly forbidden to say how shitty Trump was. She nearly threw a glass on my face once, six years ago just because I said he was a fraudulent narcisst and a racist.

After that one time Trump gloated about groping women by their p#@^@, she stopped admiring him. However, it is now forbidden to talk about how shitty Kamala Harris is.

I'd forgot to evoke that no one is allowed to speak ill of the LPC and LPQ leaders and Prime Ministers.

Even the likes of Jean Charest, Phillipe Couillard or more particularly Justin Trudeau. I can't stand older black Liberals in Canada who fold in four at the littlest foolery done by these MOFOs and dare calling we black youngsters "radicals" or "extremists" for calling out a Prime Minister accused many times of culturally insensitive cosplaying and even to ministrel at several instances into a blackface.