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Do you agree with businesses being forced to serve all customers?

The Lonious Monk

Celestial Souljah
I'll post this story as an example.


Basically a Christian couple was sued because they did not want to rent their land to a lesbian couple. Their reason was that they are Christian and to them, marriage is an institution between man and woman. They only lend their land to support those types of ceremonies.

I don't agree with the government forcing shit like that. If that couple has a business providing a venue for marriage ceremonies. They should have every right to restrict the ceremonies based on their own personal opinions of what a marriage is.

Now when I say that, gays instantly come up with some bullshit counter like "Well what if a KKK restaurant owner didn't want to serve blacks?" My answer to that is, he shouldn't be forced to do so. He should be able to restrict his clientelle any way he wants, and people should be able to blackball him because of it. That's how freedom and democracy work. Further, if you're a black person fighting to be allowed to eat at a KKK restaurant, you're an idiot.
It's a catch 22 with this question. On one hand I'm against discrimination but on the other hand the OP makes valid points about the KKK thing.
nah.....being in the KKK is the owner's problem, not the general public

when ur walking into most businesses you have no idea who the owner is or what they like

part of getting licensing to do business is having an obligation to serve the general public....goes across the board

those who dont want a certain crowd at their establishment put them in places where said crowd is nowhere near and make everything ridiculously expensive....cuz they know the people like them dont mind paying for their little false security and privacy

otherwise if you gone have a regular ass store front in the middle of the city, you need to get off that shit

I dont like everybody but there's not one group of people I can specifically think of and say I wouldnt take their money....thats just silly

how u gone be hateful AND dumb? and then act like being "Christian" negates all that?

pack up and let somebody that wants to do business, do business.....find some like minded people and go hide at the bottom of the ocean
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No a place to stay and a place to eat are needed things. If we let them have restaurants and all the kiving spaces we might as well go back in time. Dont make your business public if you dont want to follow the rules.
No a place to stay and a place to eat are needed things. If we let them have restaurants and all the kiving spaces we might as well go back in time. Dont make your business public if you dont want to follow the rules.

You're basically assuming that everyone would choose to discriminate. That's not the case. You'd still have plenty of places to stay and eat. I'll never understand some people's desire to support people that hate them. No way in well would I give money to someone I know doesn't even want me in their presence.
You're basically assuming that everyone would choose to discriminate. That's not the case. You'd still have plenty of places to stay and eat. I'll never understand some people's desire to support people that hate them. No way in well would I give money to someone I know doesn't even want me in their presence.

I dont think everybody will discriminate but i wouldn't be surprised if they did. This is a slippery slope. First business then public shit
No business should be discriminating.

But if the establishment is known to have a history of the, then I'm definitely not going. Da fucc I look like giving my money to them.

If you don't wanna attach a certain crowd, take yo azzz and your establishment somewhere else.
This reminds me of the whole chik fil a debacle.

They let their stance on same sex marriage be known but they still hire and serve LGBT people.

I say let your opinions be known and let the public decide if they want to continue to support you or not. But give them the option to make that decision.

If they choose to financially support a company that doesn't care about them, it's their own dumbass fault.
I mean, theyre private property. If mfs "dont take too kindly to _____" i know im not tryna be in there anyway. Let alone tryna order food in there if its a food spot.
I don't think businesses open to the general public should be allowed to discriminate but i also feel like forcing them to do so in today's climate is unnecessary. If we hear about a business not serving gay couples their sales will go down. If you don't understand gay, black, and whatever else minority money is just as green as everybody else's, you don't deserve to be in that type of business.
nah.....being in the KKK is the owner's problem, not the general public

when ur walking into most businesses you have no idea who the owner is or what they like

part of getting licensing to do business is having an obligation to serve the general public....goes across the board

those who dont want a certain crowd at their establishment put them in places where said crowd is nowhere near and make everything ridiculously expensive....cuz they know the people like them dont mind paying for their little false security and privacy

otherwise if you gone have a regular ass store front in the middle of the city, you need to get off that shit

I dont like everybody but there's not one group of people I can specifically think of and say I wouldnt take their money....thats just silly

how u gone be hateful AND dumb? and then act like being "Christian" negates all that?

pack up and let somebody that wants to do business, do business.....find some like minded people and go hide at the bottom of the ocean
Well said
I've seen this sign posted outside of businesses before.


... So, apparently it's legal.