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This movie got me thinking that dc should ditch the connected universe thing and just focus on good stories. They can do self contained one and dones or two parters or trilogies. They can do justice league, justice society , titans .movies that don't need solo super hero films to set them up.
This narrative needs to die.

Michelle looked nice, but her Catwoman was horrible.

Horribly written character. No explanation for her weird zombie powers that never made sense to introduce to begin with. Like why portray her as a nerdy secretary that needed to die and get licked to life by cats to have a plot point? Like that shit was so dumb. And she stole nothing. Like absolutely nothing. Catwoman is a cat burglar. Both Anne Hathaway and Zoe actually cracked safes and stole some shit. And they didn't have multiple personalities. And had a genuine attraction to Batman that made sense. Especially this one... You could feel why these two liked each other. There were conversations and chemistry.

All Michelle said was "meow" and the crowd went wild 🤦🏿‍♂️
Nah Michelle still the bar even with this Zoe version. I think most reviews ive seen acknowledge that as well. She was dope too tho. I cant wait to see her more seasoned in the 3rd if they let her breathe away for the sequel.
This narrative needs to die.

Michelle looked nice, but her Catwoman was horrible.

Horribly written character. No explanation for her weird zombie powers that never made sense to introduce to begin with. Like why portray her as a nerdy secretary that needed to die and get licked to life by cats to have a plot point? Like that shit was so dumb. And she stole nothing. Like absolutely nothing. Catwoman is a cat burglar. Both Anne Hathaway and Zoe actually cracked safes and stole some shit. And they didn't have multiple personalities. And had a genuine attraction to Batman that made sense. Especially this one... You could feel why these two liked each other. There were conversations and chemistry.

All Michelle said was "meow" and the crowd went wild 🤦🏿‍♂️
Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman was nothing more than eye candy and an excuse to put an actress in a fetish costume. She's the precursor to wonder woman 84's cheetah with the I am woman hesr me roar shit.

Michelle was trash. Nothing about that character holds up or makes sense. The ONLY thing was that it was a dope costume. But outside of the most shallow cosmetic characteristics..... It's horrible. It's just as bad as Hallie Berry shit, but at least..... At the very least they tried to explain the weird super power angle.

It's just that the shit was stupid to begin with. So digging deeper than that made it look dumber and dumber. But the Michelle version was still dumb.

1. Where in the comics does Selina have a dorky secretary persona?

That shit was solely introduced because the director and screenwriter had 0 interest in anything to do with the origins of this character. There was no interest at all in what made her character important. Down to who she was or her motives. They didn't care about Selina Kyle as a character. They just made up some shit.

2. She stole nothing.

Catwoman is a cat burglar. In deeper carnations she has deeper motives. In the very lightest she just likes shiny things so she steals them. Her and Bruce have tons of love stories. In one of them he admits he loves her but can't be with her because she's a kleptomaniac. Michelle hit on none of that. She didn't crack a safe. Steal a jewel. Live in the dark parts of Gotham where she would have an ear to the streets. Like she wasn't even a criminal. Oh my bad, she kidnapped a chick..... That shit was so dumb bruh

3. Where did the fucking superpowers come from.

She was thrown from a building.
Died on the ground.
A bunch of cats licked her.
She woke up with superpowers and a new personality.

What in the holy?!! How can anyone call that the definitive version of a comic book character that did none of that ?? Selina Kyle is 100% human bruh. She can fight, but she not even that strong. She doesnt physically die 9 times to represent her 9 lives. That shit not a thing. They made that up. Any other time they make dramatic inexplicable changes like that to character, people outrage. How is it applauded here? How?

Regular ass human chick. Dope fight skills. Damn good at cracking a safe. Zoe bodied that shit. As the youngins say, she understood the assignment.

They just threw some shit at the wall with Michelle. I don't understand how people still eating that shit up
Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman was nothing more than eye candy and an excuse to put an actress in a fetish costume. She's the precursor to wonder woman 84's cheetah with the I am woman hesr me roar shit.
That's it.

That's literally it. They read nothing and researched nothing about the character. She was basically every chick on Halloween who knows nothing about the character they dressed up as, but knows they look good so niggaz gonna be on them anyway.

That's why she was licking niggaz and saying meow, she had no fucking idea what she was doing and they didn't either. I'm sure niggaz was like

"Iight for this scene Mike, you are Batman, you are vengeance, you are the night, you gotta channel all that badass energy. You are focused to this mission, and you are above any distractions.... Even temptation.....

Michelle..... Do some cat shit, you look great"

"Can I say meow?'

"Fucking brilliant... Yes.... Say meow..... Fuck this is good, we might have to make up a scene centered around where you can just say that.... audiences are gonna flip balls!"

That's it.

That's literally it. They read nothing and researched nothing about the character. She was basically every chick on Halloween who knows nothing about the character they dressed up as, but knows they look good so niggaz gonna be on them anyway.

That's why she was licking niggaz and saying meow, she had no fucking idea what she was doing and they didn't either. I'm sure niggaz was like

"Iight for this scene Mike, you are Batman, you are vengeance, you are the night, you gotta channel all that badass energy. You are focused to this mission, and you are above any distractions.... Even temptation.....

Michelle..... Do some cat shit, you look great"

"Can I say meow?'

"Fucking brilliant... Yes.... Say meow..... Fuck this is good, we might have to make up a scene centered around where you can just say that.... audiences are gonna flip balls!"

To be real horny fourteen hear old me didn't mind Catwoman and Hollywood really isn't much at fault because Earth's kitt and Julie newmar set the bar for live action Catwoman back then but when you get older you realize how cheesy it was.
Definitive means the true definition.

What made Michelle Pfeiffer the definitive version of Selina Kyle/ Catwoman?

I mean I can agree the look was great. But is that all that makes a character? How good they look. If how good Catwoman looks is what makes her definitive. Then I'll agree to disagree. You need more than a good look to be the definitive Catwoman.

I feel like Zoe covered all the bases. She was an expert burglar. She had great hand to hand. She had a shady past in the streets. Batman realized she was deeper than surface level and felt protective over her. And she looked great.
To be real horny fourteen hear old me didn't mind Catwoman and Hollywood really isn't much at fault because Earth's kitt and Julie newmar set the bar for live action Catwoman back then but when you get older you realize how cheesy it was.
Michelle Pfeiffer never did it for me, so I always thought her version was just a sexy exploitation of the character. I saw it for what it was in the 90's cuz I was reading heavy then, and she was nothing like the one in the books. We just didn't have internet to bitch about it then. But I've been making up for it over the years since internet came out.

Can't say I've changed many minds. But it's good honest work.
Pattinson’s “Batman” got the right elements to be the best movie version of Batman. His Bruce Wayne, though… ehh. Which is weird because I assumed the opposite would be true based on his role in Tenet.

I know it was a character choice made on purpose but there was sol little of “Bruce Wayne” it’s hard to gage

overall… excellent movie. I hope they do more. I like that they actually let him do the “detective” thing for once.
The new mayor will bring out the "Bruce Wayne" persona...

She basically told him, your parents were big into philanthropy, you on the other hand do nothing.

And he's realizing he has to be more than just vengeance to really change this city .. You have to inspire more than just vengeance.... Cuz you'll only inspire those obsessed with vengeance. That's why we saw for the first time... Batman in the daytime. And he was helping people at the end of the movie. He now realizes Batman has to do more than beat the shit out of people in the dark. He has to help them in the light ...

But ... He can help way way way more in the light as Bruce Wayne. And with the mayor and his money, he can do that. The city is literally under water and there's nothing Batman can do about it.... But there's plenty a billionaire Bruce Wayne can do about it.

So that's where we get Bruce Wayne in the sequel. The Mayor helps teaches him that thru his money he can really save the city. And makes him feel like he doesn't have to be Batman to make change. Plus she's bad AF, so they can play into that too.

But it's a Batman movie, so let Bruce go to the circus and see this kids parents get killed, that he chooses to adopt. And let him deal with the conflict of enjoying being Bruce Wayne, but at the same time nurture this child who is battling with the same issues that made him who he is.... And we know Dick Grayson also has hands.... It's a slam dunk sequel.

He spent most of this movie as Batman reluctant to be Bruce Wayne. Let him spend the next movie as enjoying finding himself as Bruce, but reluctantly having to be Batman cuz he doesn't wanna see Dick Grayson become as obsessed with vengeance as he was so he has to be a mentor in how to control it.... Cuz clearly we'll have villains on their bullshit
I also hated her in Scarface.

Like nothing about her made sense for Tony to want her. Like bruh, you the boss. Get a better bitch 🤷🏿‍♂️

Du I f w you throughout this whole site, but you keep this Michelle Pfeiffer slander up..there's gonna be trouble


Nah I have to play devil's advocate, Michelle is the bar because she was the first and given it was a Tim Burton film his style is always eccentric and in a movie where a whole human being was born half man half penguin, we dont need an explanation in a superhero film.

You have to take into account that in 1992, the comic book community wasn't as mainstream as it is now. That was a niche audience and Tim Burton had to direct a film and interpret Catwoman in a way that casual fans would understand. That wouldn't work in today's era which is why Warner Bros made so many mistakes with their DC films vs Disney Marvel.
Shit was trash bruh.

She was a zombie