Fresh off the success of the HBO series “The Penguin,” DC Studios has officially greenlit a feature film centered around Clayface, the shapeshifting Batman villain, from a script written by “Doctor Sleep” filmmaker Mike Flanagan, according to a source with direct knowledge of the production. Plot details are scarce, but filming is expected to begin early next year.
Flanagan, who first pitched DC Studios on a Clayface project in 2023, tweeted in 2021 that he was “really keen to do a standalone Clayface movie as a horror/thriller/tragedy.” But he is already committed to write and direct a new take on “The Exorcist” for Universal, through Blumhouse and Morgan Creek, and he’s also developing a series adaptation of Stephen King’s novel “Carrie” for Amazon MGM Studios. So DC has been on the hunt for a director to take the reins, and an announcement is imminent.
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