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Daisies, Aged: A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, and the End of the Native Tongues Era

5 Grand

Old School Godfather
Im posting this because Tribe and De La were my favorite groups. In 1996 one of my homies gave me a cassette tape with Stakes is High on one side and Beats Rhymes and Life on the other side.

In 1996, the two most prominent groups from hip-hop’s most prominent conscious collective released tense works that reacted to the evolving genre around them—and signaled the end of the crew as fans knew it

By Julian Kimble Aug 6, 2021, 6:15am EDT

No year in hip-hop history sticks out quite like 1996: It marked the height of the East Coast–West Coast feud, the debut of several artists who would rule the next few decades, and the last moment before battle lines between “mainstream” and “underground” were fully drawn. The 1996 Rap Yearbook, a recurring series from The Ringer, will explore the landmark releases and moments from a quarter-century ago that redefined how we think of the genre. Today, we’re exploring the leaders of the Native Tongues collective at their respective crossroads.
