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CVS Manager Calls Police On Black Woman Accusing Her Of Trying To Use A Fake Coupon


In a video and commentary uploaded to Facebook, a Chicago black woman claims she was attempting to use a manufacturer’s coupon at a local CVS store only to have a manager call the police on her after claiming the coupon was fraudulent.

According to Camilla Hudson, “So, THIS just happened: I had the police called on me for attempting to use a coupon @ the CVS Pharmacy located at 6150 N. Broadway in Chicago! I stopped in to make a purchase using a coupon mailed to me by the product manufacturer, as replacement for problematic/defective product. The manager on duty said that he’d never seen a coupon like the one I had and said that he thought it was fraudulent.”

Hudson explained that the employee became agitated when she asked for his name and title which is when she pulled out her phone to tape the rest of the encounter.

In the video, another store manager can be seen talking on the phone to the police as his hand shakes while she films him, with the CVS employee telling the dispatcher she is an “African-American,” causing her to interrupt and say, “I’m black — black isn’t a bad word,” and that she will wait for the police to arrive.

According to Hudson, “I had ZERO concerns about the police being called. Apparently, they’d hung up on him the first time he called, so he had to call them back a second time, telling the 911 dispatcher that I was harassing them (which I have on video). Three tactical unit officers arrived and, after some conversation and documenting their names, badge numbers, etc., I eventually left the store.”

“Needless to say, this is far from over. Life in these United States. Aargh,” she concluded.

cracka in question

coupon in question
Won't be too long til we hear a call like

"Hello? Police, I just saw 2 niggers breathing air..."
Next time you see a white person minding their own business, living life, bothering no one....

Call 911, give a detailed description of the caucasian in question and tell the dispatcher that you feel threatened by this caucasian's erratic behavior. Also, tell the dispatcher that you have reason to believe the caucasian may be armed and dangerous.

I think if black folks start making more phone calls like this, new laws will be implemented to deter bullshit 911 calls.
Next time you see a white person minding their own business, living life, bothering no one....

Call 911, give a detailed description of the caucasian in question and tell the dispatcher that you feel threatened by this caucasian's erratic behavior. Also, tell the dispatcher that you have reason to believe the caucasian may be armed and dangerous.

I think if black folks start making more phone calls like this, new laws will be implemented to deter bullshit 911 calls.

I wish that was feasible, but all black people know that inviting police into our lives just makes things worse. They’ll be all buddy buddy w the white guy while simultaneously running you for warrants. This system wasn’t built for our benefit.
I wish that was feasible, but all black people know that inviting police into our lives just makes things worse. They’ll be all buddy buddy w the white guy while simultaneously running you for warrants.
You know what...?

I didn't think about that.

Good point.
Some coupons are emailed to you & you can print them off

not sure if that's the case here

but I was tellin my brother these crackas callin the cops like this in hopes we get agitated so the cops will at least harass/assault or even kill us

It's worse when they call the cops on little kids, hoping these kids get roughed up or possibly shot by cops.
this dude just wanted to be an asshole.. if it rings up, move the fuck along... I went for some ice cream there and put my phone # in, but I fucked up but it still went through as someone’s account there and the lady told me fuck it, just take the deal, it’s going on someone’s account that’s all that matters... some people just know how the move the fuck along w shit

CVS apologizes after white manager calls police on black customer

CVS Health says it has apologized after a black customer says a white store manager called the police on her and accused her of using a fake coupon at a CVS in Chicago.

Camilla Hudson shared a video on her personal Facebook page of the store manager, Morry Matson, calling the cops.

Hudson said she tried to use a manufacturer coupon to replace a defective product, which the manager on duty refused to accept, saying it looked fraudulent.

Hudson says that Matson tried to call the police twice, because they hung up on him the first time. In the second call, she said that Matson accused her of harassing him. No police action was taken.

The video shows Matson describing Hudson as “African-American.”

“I’m black,” she responds. “Black isn’t a bad word.”

In the video, Matson’s left hand is shaking noticeably as he talks to police. Hudson said the shaking started once Matson started talking to the police on the phone.

Matson was a state delegate for President Trump’s presidential campaign and is running for alderman, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. He is also president of an Illinois group that advocates for LGBT Republicans.

CVS spokesperson Mike DeAngelis told the Chicago Sun-Times that the company has begun an investigation into the incident.

“We sincerely apologize to Ms. Hudson for her experience in one of our stores,” DeAngelis said. “CVS has begun an investigation and we will take any corrective action that is warranted to prevent it from happening again.”

“CVS Pharmacy does not tolerate any practices that discriminate against any customer and we are committed to maintaining a welcoming and diverse environment in our stores,” DeAngelis added. “We have firm non-discrimination policies in place to help ensure that all customers are treated with respect and dignity.”

Hudson told the Chicago Sun-Times that the CVS regional director “apologized profusely” to her.
this dude just wanted to be an asshole.. if it rings up, move the fuck along... I went for some ice cream there and put my phone # in, but I fucked up but it still went through as someone’s account there and the lady told me fuck it, just take the deal, it’s going on someone’s account that’s all that matters... some people just know how the move the fuck along w shit

You got the complexion for that affection tho. It's obviously a common theme going on here that you'll never have to deal with.

CVS fires 2 Edgewater store employees after white manager calls cops on black customer

CVS has fired two employees at a store in the Edgewater neighborhood who called the police on a black female customer Saturday after she attempted to use a coupon.

“We have completed our investigation, and as a result the two colleagues who were involved are no longer employed by CVS Health,” Mike DeAngelis, a spokesman for CVS Health, said in an email.

The company also said it has “sincerely apologized” to the customer, Camilla Hudson, who shared her experience on Facebook, including a video of the store manager on the phone with police.

The episode is the latest incident of alleged racial profiling or customer mistreatment at retail stores and other venues that quickly went viral on social media. It also exemplifies how some companies are quickly responding to the often swift and harsh public backlash before it does more than bruise their corporate reputations.

Hudson said the incident took place Saturday at CVS’ store at 6150 N. Broadway. According to her account posted on Facebook, the store manager said he believed her coupon, for a free personal care item valued up to $17.99, to be fraudulent. Hudson said she asked for his name and title to complain, and tensions escalated. Hudson posted a video of the store manager, who identified himself as Morry Matson, on the phone with police. Police responded to the store but took no action, according to the Chicago Police Department.

Neither Hudson or Matson could immediately be reached for comment. CVS issued an apology Saturday and said it was investigating the matter.

“CVS Health does not tolerate any practices that discriminate against any customer and we are committed to maintaining a welcoming and diverse environment in our stores,” DeAngelis said in his email Monday. “We have firm non-discrimination policies in place to help ensure that all customers are treated with respect and dignity. Profiling or any other type of discriminatory behavior is strictly prohibited.”

There have been several recent incidents of companies having to address employee conduct.

Starbucks swiftly apologized this spring after two black men in a Philadelphia store for a business meeting were arrested when an employee refused to let them use the restroom without making a purchase, and later called the police and accused them of trespassing.

The coffee giant removed the employee involved, and later closed its 8,000 stores for an afternoon so all its employees could participate in unconscious bias training.

Earlier in the year, a waitress at an IHOP restaurant in Maine asked a group of black teenagers to prepay for their meal, and another diner wrote about it on Facebook. IHOP apologized and said it had “zero tolerance” for discrimination.

And last year at O’Hare International Airport, a video of a United Airlines passenger who refused to give up his seat quickly went viral worldwide, prompting a public relations crisis for the Chicago-based airline that resulted in legislative hearings, policy changes and employee training.

“You would hope that one organization would learn from the misfortune of another. It’s not that easy,” said Ron Culp, director of the graduate program of public relations and advertising at DePaul University.

Culp said these incidents all come down to the initial training employees receive. “I guarantee as a result of CVS, other coupon-focused retailers will do a quick assessment of their policies and procedures,” he said.

“In this case, it should always start with training and making sure employees anticipate all the various situations,” Culp said, adding, “When you’re a retailer that’s heavily promotion-oriented, then you just need to make sure everyone knows what to do when something like that happens.”

Empathy goes a long way with angry customers, especially in retail, said Bob Phibbs, CEO of New York-based consultancy the Retail Doctor.

“My concern is how it’s showing up in retail, in the very places where people need to feel they matter, because people who feel they matter buy more,” he said.

Culp also offered some advice for companies seeking to train their employees to deal with difficult situations and upset customers.

“Rather than elevate the incident, get everything to cool down,” Culp said.