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Added to Calendar: 08-09-24


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Reluctantly, 17-year-old Gretchen leaves her American home to live with her father, who has just moved into a resort in the German Alps with his new family. Arriving at their future residence, they are greeted by Mr. König, her father's boss, who takes an inexplicable interest in Gretchen's mute half-sister Alma. Something doesn't seem right in this tranquil vacation paradise. Gretchen is plagued by strange noises and bloody visions until she discovers a shocking secret that also concerns her own family. Following his festival sensation LUZ, German director Tilman Singer has once again succeeded in creating an atmospheric and visually outstanding horror trip with an original plot and perfidious twists. The film, shot on 35 mm, features EUPHORIA’s star Hunter Schafer alongside a brilliant and terrifying Dan Stevens.​
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This was weirder than I was expecting lol also funny

For some reason I thought they were going to be vampires

Hunter did well

I think I missed what happened to the parents though. Did they die and I missed that?

I kind of wanted to see what would happen if the mother reached the daughter lol
Madness !!

PRAISE: I like when I'm watching a movie and about 10 to 15 minutes in I'm trying to figure out what's going on. Presented with the character Gretchen, who's slightly off balance due to some past trauma but functioning is at a setting which seems normal but slowly but surely reveals it's the complete opposite. I think this is always a good path to take in movies with a plot like this. Am I going mad or is everyone else playing a sinister role in everything that's happening? Hunter Schafer does really good here turning in a believable performance. Dan Stevens is really great luring not only the characters in but the viewer as well. It's one of those roles Anthony Hopkins,Malcolm McDowell and Christoph Waltz would have been great as. Writer-director Tilman Singer does some great work here in several stand out scenes especially when light and darkness are played with and the terrifying closeness of something or someone sinister.

PROBLEMS: I had hoped the pace and scary tones of some scenes that are only spread out had been maintained Instead they make things more complicated than they need to be trying to explain away everything.Parts of the climax felt uninspired and really basic maybe even a bit generic.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 7½