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FEATURED Convicted Rapists Will Be Convicted To Death In Tennessee


Very interesting. The 19 democrats who voted against it are probably legit against the death penalty and/or liberals apologetic for sex offenders. The Republicans who unanimously voted for it are full of shit because when it comes time to punish their own they're going to find loopholes and not uphold the law. A law they voted for on paper to make themselves look conservative with morals. It's a win-win. They look like saints on paper but won't enforce shit against their ilk
yep, I have a childhood friend serving life for this child rape it has been proven he didn't do it if the child (now an adult said it never happen) but the courts won't let him out and tbh I don't think he want's to be let out. He was raped in prison, lost and eye and has AIDS. Been in there since 16 he's 54 now
yep, I have a childhood friend serving life for this child rape it has been proven he didn't do it if the child (now an adult said it never happen) but the courts won't let him out and tbh I don't think he want's to be let out. He was raped in prison, lost and eye and has AIDS. Been in there since 16 he's 54 now

Under those circimstances, I understand staying in but at the same time if I'm 'posta be free, let me out, give me my wrongful imprisonment money, and I'll leave the country and never return.