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COMMUNITY EVENT - Cuffin Season Auction Part 2

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Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
For part 1 we had the ladies bid on the fellas, this time around we're going to have the fellas bid on the ladies.

The auction will last from now till Friday Sept 26th Noon Est

Like the previous auction, the lady you win in the auction will have a custom badge on their profile saying w.e you want it to say and they have to send u a pic or audio to show their appreciation.

List of some of the ladies of ABW

@Race Jones
@Whispering Eye
@Petty LaBelle

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Lol, how many people got a death wish and gon vote on Trini?
5mill? How dafuck did y'all get money in the Mills? Not hating just asking

Strategy Elder.

Whilst you were scouting for Titty meats and "Talk about it Tuesdays", we were bout our MONIES!!!
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Strategy Elder.

Whilst you were scouting for Titty meats and "Talk about Tuesdays", we were bout our MONIES!!!
Look you and I cooler than two polar bears playing hockey b. BUT as long as your head is big butt is phat never and I mean never use titties and my scouting of them against me....... ma'am
lmaooo all the niggas with short money lookin at this thread like

10.5m remedy
10.5m Meeks
10.5m obfresh
10.5m Lyricist
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