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Celebrity Mysteries


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
From MJ's pedo case to his death to the OJ Case to Pac's murder, there's been a lot of celebrity unsolved mysteries.

If you could get the answer to any celebrity unsolved mystery, which one would it be?​
Damn, hard choice but since I spent a good part of yesterday reading and talking about OJ I NEED to know what really happened.
Oh anybody? Not just rap?

Was Lincoln really shot because he messed up the South's money?

Who killed Kennedy and why.

Why they kill a young King Tut?
This wouldn't be my answer, but i wanna know what really went down with Martin and Gina.
:df:..when was this?

Cuz this my 1st time every hearing that.

I could tell just off body language and watching the show a million times.

But there's a Cole interview where he pretty much says "i hit it first" when discussing his "beef" with Martin, which furthers my belief that Martin and Gina were fuckin at one point.
I could tell just off body language and watching the show a million times.

But there's a Cole interview where he pretty much says "i hit it first" when discussing his "beef" with Martin, which furthers my belief that Martin and Gina were fuckin at one point.

You talking bout them Comedy Hype joints he did recently?