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Can we talk about being black in leadership positions?


Unverified Legion of Trill member
what are the struggles you went thru?

what are the micro-aggressions you started to notice? did people begin to change?

if you had the ability to hire, Did you try to hire more of your own or the best for the position?

did you or are you trying to change the system from within or is it too big for you?

i think it was @AP2.5 that said he brought in more black people when he could. How was that received?

Lets talk about it.
I'ma be back
what are the struggles you went thru?

what are the micro-aggressions you started to notice? did people begin to change?

if you had the ability to hire, Did you try to hire more of your own or the best for the position?

did you or are you trying to change the system from within or is it too big for you?

i think it was @AP2.5 that said he brought in more black people when he could. How was that received?

Lets talk about it.
So I want to clarify this.

My previous supervisor, Lord rest his soul would always talk to me about the importance of looking out for our people first and foremost. That does not mean to just give them the job cause they're black but they should be given preference if they have the same skill sets as their white counterparts.

His supervisor gave him a chance and he then gave me a chance then I inherited his position upon him passing.

When I'm presented with a qualified black candidate, I'm hoping to take the chance on them but so far it's just hard getting people to apply
So I want to clarify this.

My previous supervisor, Lord rest his soul would always talk to me about the importance of looking out for our people first and foremost. That does not mean to just give them the job cause they're black but they should be given preference if they have the same skill sets as their white counterparts.

His supervisor gave him a chance and he then gave me a chance then I inherited his position upon him passing.

When I'm presented with a qualified black candidate, I'm hoping to take the chance on them but so far it's just hard getting people to apply
My wife has this same problem.
she wanted to bring in more uk or American black women under her but could not find people that wanted to relocate.

which is leading to another question….but I want to understand people experiences in leadership. I’m going somewhere with this.
So I want to clarify this.

My previous supervisor, Lord rest his soul would always talk to me about the importance of looking out for our people first and foremost. That does not mean to just give them the job cause they're black but they should be given preference if they have the same skill sets as their white counterparts.

His supervisor gave him a chance and he then gave me a chance then I inherited his position upon him passing.

When I'm presented with a qualified black candidate, I'm hoping to take the chance on them but so far it's just hard getting people to apply
What advice would you give another black person seeking leadership positionsr?
What advice would you give another black person seeking leadership positionsr?
Don't be afraid to leave your current position because it is possible you have reached your ceiling where you are.

I was at that point and literally was about to start applying for other jobs then my supervisor died unexpectedly
I have two construction firms and two engineering firms I manage. The construction contractors are the worst to deal with. I constantly have to go back and forth with those jackass's. They're the good ol boys types so they try to act like I don't know what I'm doing.

I'm laid back for the most part and so I don't really do confrontation like that. If I tell you to do something do it. Also if you want to get paid you have to get the job to code and more importantly my standards. I know I piss them off when I say that but they can either quit or fight doesn't matter to me
Bein’ a leader/manager/supervisor in manufacturing can hold some different obstacles in itself…

Let ya work, leadership skills and intellect speak for you when it comes to your “peers” in leadership who may not look like you…don’t try and “prove” yourself to “them” and def don’t “code switch” or ass kiss because that’s how you keep “your people” ridin’ for you if that makes sense…

My biggest issue really came from people who envied my position talkin’ shit and keepin’ myself from feedin’ into it to tha point I snap and invite a muthafucka to tha gas station parking lot across tha street…which I’ve done on more than 1 occasion but hey…I am who I am

As for hirin’ if I have 2 candidates for a job and one’s black and one’s white and they’re equally qualified or even CLOSE to each other…well it is what it is and tha black person getting tha job…it’s bitten me in tha ass before but it don’t matter…I gotta try lol

Last year I left my leadership role and moved into a specialists role for more money, freedom and I only have to worry about myself but when asked who should replace me I put my boy on because I knew he could do it and I figured why not give him an opportunity that he might not get if it was left up to somebody else…he’s startin’ a family..early 30’s and they put their people on so why shouldn’t I?!?

I could really go into great lengths about this topic but I just got off and this feels like more work so this was a quick freestyle lol
Does anyone who has been in a leadership role feel certain challenges came because of your race?
And to the ladies, same question but add in your sex.
Does anyone who has been in a leadership role feel certain challenges came because of your race?
And to the ladies, same question but add in your sex.
At a lunch wit my direct supervisor, (I was the lead) our GM, the construction manager and the CEO. The GM is a white man from Alabama, makes self deprecating jokes saying he speaks redneckaneese, construction manager starts going at him. My direct supervisor is PR, he makes a self deprecating joke about being PR, CEO and GM start going at him about it. Construction manager goes in on him, looks at me and says how do they say it in the hood. Me…

Everyone gets quiet..quiet for the rest of the lunch other than business talk. After the lunch my supervisor tells me I need to learn to relax if I wanna be apart of the inside clique. It’s the only way I’ll get ahead
I will tell you the strangest thing tho I got from being in leadership is pulling up and people start getting panicky and explaining themselves. Like fam, we used to be direct co workers, I don’t give a fuck. I’m not here to order you around or get you written up. And that made me think, damn did I used to do that when my management pulled up?
I’m a retail manager and it’s been difficult but rewarding. The response I get, “you’re the manager” when I introduce myself. It used to piss me off. Now I laugh. I’m responsible for hiring and staffing now. My store is the blackest it’s ever been.
One struggle is when employees have problems, they immediately expect me to align with them just because we have the same skin color. Sometimes they are in the wrong. It’s tough to find balance sometimes
I’m a retail manager and it’s been difficult but rewarding. The response I get, “you’re the manager” when I introduce myself. It used to piss me off. Now I laugh. I’m responsible for hiring and staffing now. My store is the blackest it’s ever been.
One struggle is when employees have problems, they immediately expect me to align with them just because we have the same skin color. Sometimes they are in the wrong. It’s tough to find balance sometimes
Did you grow within the store to become manager or did you come in as manager?
When I was a Lead back home...I really didn't have ant issues. I was the go to person if anytime someone needed their questions asked. Hell....they went to me b4 going to management. And if they went to management 1st...they'd come to me just to make sure the answer given was right or wrong.

My issue was this one wyte coworker who questioned everything I said. She asked me a question...told her what to do...will turn around and asked if i sure. As if I didn't know my damn job. The hefa even lied to my stanking azzz bitch of a supervisor (til this day I wouldn't piss on that hefa to save her if she was on fire) and said I was never helpful.

Other than that...I was chill. Never ran into any major issues while I was running the floor. Pretty much left everyone alone. Didnt micromanage. And if I had to...it was b/c we got busy and needed everyone on the phones. Aside from that one hefa...everyone was cool wit a brotha. No animosity. No jealousy. None of that towards me. Funny thing is...I never wanted to be in that kinda position until management offered it to me. Glad I took it