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calls for concern. 16 yr old reality tv star honey boo boo has a 20 yr old boyfriend

Fat White girls are kryptonite to some Black men lol,but yeah that's disgusting a 20 year old man dating a 16 year old
Its not even that shes fat. Shes disgusting, a dummy ANNNDDDD underage. Before I cant even ask what he sees in her to wanna risk jail, I'm wondering what kinda degenerate bloodline does he hail from, to see her as a catch.
Honey boo boo is 16 now and got a black 20 year old bf?!

I ain't touching this ( no pedo). I'm outta here. I'm on thin ice after talking bout my friend irl who makes rape jokes.

You know what….

I saw that pic and I was once again ready to unload on these “new negros”….

But… Nevermind…. I give up.

It is what it is.

I’m officially throwing in the towel.
