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Brawl Breaks Out at Church After Maskless Man Charges at Priest


#gaza4eva #freeKartel #FreeSiva
Churchgoers at a house of worship in Washington state saw a massive brawl break out as a confrontation at the altar turned physical.

The video shows a maskless man interrupting mass by approaching the priest at the altar. As he confronted the priest, other parishioners came to his defense as fists began to fly.

“The events leading up to this unfortunate incident began last month,” Father Paul Brunet wrote in a letter addressing the incident. “After an initial pastoral appointment with (name redacted), his behavior has worsened and become less predictable. He has engaged in a course of abusive and threatening conduct, directed not just at me but towards the parish and school staff.”

“Under the circumstances, the parish and school had no other choice but to obtain a ‘No Trespass’ order from the Lakewood Police Department against (name redacted). He chose to disregard this order when he appeared at Mass yesterday,” Brunet continued.

“The safety of the children, parishioners and staff are our top priority,” Brunet added. “The parish and school are working closely with the Lakewood Police department, the Lakewood City Attorney and private security to maintain extra safety precautions. Please join me in praying for all who were involved in or witnessed this incident and be assured of my prayers for all of you.”

jus think about this

the most "oppressed" sum of these white folks have ever felt is being told they need to wear a mask to help slow the spread of a virus

"but muh freedom!"


dude was given a no trespass order for his history of outbursts and arguments… nothing to do w masks.. I chalked it up to sexual abuse revenge
They really came together real quick and got his ass up outta there. I liked the sense of community they showed. Wasn't no hooting and hollering either. It's like all of the other patrons knew what time it was. It was time to ride and they rode.
dude was given a no trespass order for his history of outbursts and arguments… nothing to do w masks.. I chalked it up to sexual abuse revenge


it seems like the same typa wypipo that applauded the baker for refusing to do a wedding cake for a gay couple (stating business rights) are the same ones losing their shit when they're turned away from an establishment for not wearing a mask (despite business rights)
White people do so much postering before throwing a punch.

They literally carried a concious man out the building.

Any other race of people would have put his ass to sleep and carry his unconcious body and tossed him out.