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Bodies believed to be those of 95 black forced-labor prisoners from Jim Crow era unearthed


You niggas is EXCOMMUNICADO!!!
Bodies believed to be those of 95 black forced-labor prisoners from Jim Crow era unearthed in Sugar Land after one man’s quest

Today the city of Sugar Land is a sprawling suburb southwest of Houston, home to Imperial Sugar Company, shopping malls and endless cul-de-sacs. But, more than a century ago, it was a sprawling network of sugar cane plantations and prison camps. Sugar Land was better known then as the Hellhole on the Brazos. From sun up to sun down, convicts who were leased by the state to plantation owners toiled in the fields chopping sugar cane sometimes until they “dropped dead in their tracks,” as the State Convention of Colored Men of Texas complained in 1883.

In modern-day Sugar Land it was all easy to forget — but not for one man named Reggie Moore, who couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Moore started researching Sugar Land’s slavery and convict-leasing history after spending time working as a prison guard at one of Texas’s oldest prisons, but his curiosity evolved into obsession. He had a hunch. Based on what he learned, he believed that the bodies of former slaves and black prisoners were still buried in Sugar Land’s backyard. He focused his attention on a site called the Imperial State Prison Farm, the one that bore the name of the country’s premier sugar company.

For 19 years he searched for their bodies, stopping just short of sticking a shovel in the dirt himself.

“I felt like I had to be a voice for the voiceless,” said Moore, who is African American.

This week, his quest produced results.

At the former Imperial State Prison Farm site, archaeologists have unearthed an entire plot of precise rectangular graves for 95 souls, each buried 2 to 5 feet beneath the soil in nearly disintegrated pinewood caskets. The 19th century cemetery was unmarked, with no vestige of its existence visible from the surface.

“This place was almost truly lost to history,” archaeologist Reign Clark of Goshawk Environmental Consulting told The Washington Post.

The graves were found, really, by accident. The local Fort Bend Independent School District began construction on a new school at the former prison site in October, deciding to hire an archaeologist to supervise the work after Moore’s warnings of the possible burial site, a spokeswoman said. In February, a backhoe operator happened to see something jutting out of the dirt. He thought it was a human bone.

Archaeologists called to the site began digging. Upon the eventual discovery of the 95 bodies this spring, they began exhuming the remains in June. On Monday, they released a preliminary analysis.

Clark said they believe, almost without a doubt, that the graves belong to black prisoners — among them former slaves.

“Considering who owned the property and what the property was used for throughout time,” Clark said, “it would be 10,000 to 1 that it’s not the convict-lease cemetery.”

At the site, the archaeologists found chains, but found few personal effects inside the graves save for a single ring. Of the roughly two dozen intact skeletons the archaeologists have analyzed so far, all had African American traits, bioarchaeologist Catrina Banks Whitley told The Post. They all appeared to be muscularly built, many with the same misshapen bones that indicate repetitive wear — indicating hard labor, she said.

They were estimated to be as young as 14 and as old as 70.

The unearthed gravesite recalls one of the darkest periods of American history, historians and archaeologists told The Post. The discovery may vindicate Moore. But more crucially, he said, it vindicates the prisoners whose backbreaking work helped rebuild the state of Texas in the ruins of the post-Civil War era without so much as a proper burial to acknowledge their contributions.

“I think we’re going to be able to paint a very vivid picture of how these people lived and what they went through here,” Clark said. “This is a completely rare site. It’s going to change how we think about Texas history and how we think about ourselves and how we built this state, how all of us built this state.”

The convict-leasing system proliferated all across the south in the late 19th century and into the 20th, overwhelmingly targeting black Americans picked up for offenses such as vagrancy, flirting with white women or petty theft, as historian Douglas A. Blackmon reported in his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, “Slavery By Another Name.” The prisoners were then leased by the state to private businessmen and forced to work on plantations, in coal mines and railroads or other state projects — such as building the entire Texas Capitol building from scratch.

In Texas, the highly profitable system was notorious along the Brazos River, the epicenter of the country’s sugar industry in the 19th century.

Photographs of the era show the prisoners dressed in raggedy striped prison clothing, hoisting the cane stalks from the swampy field into mule-drawn wagons and delivering them to the mills, including the “Imperial Mill.” It was the early foundation of the Imperial Sugar Company, which benefited from convict labor in the cane fields after its founding around the turn of the 20th century, according to the book “Sugar Land, Tex., and the Imperial Sugar Company.”

The prisoners chopping sugar cane, subject to whippings and other beatings, were almost exclusively black, concentrated on neighboring plantations owned by former slave drivers Edward Cunningham and Littleberry Ellis. The site of Fort Bend ISD’s new school — and of the newly discovered graves — rests on land that was “Ellis Camp No. 1,” Clark said. It was later renamed “Imperial State Farm Prison Camp No. 1″ once the state took it over.

Even then, conditions were still so hellish that prisoners wrote songs expressing they would rather die than spend another day toiling under the hot sun: “Go down, ol’ Hannah,” Imperial’s most famous prisoner, rock-and-roll Hall of Famer Lead Belly, wrote in one. “Doncha rise no mo’/If you rise in de mornin’/bring Judgment Day.”

“When the state leased convicts out to private contractors, they had no financial interest in the health or welfare of the people working for them,” said Caleb McDaniel, a history professor at Rice University in Houston. “And so the convict-leasing system saw extremely high levels of mortality and sickness under convict lessees. If the prisoner died, they would simply go back to the state and say, ‘You owe us another prisoner.’”

In Texas alone, more than 3,500 prisoners died between 1866 and 1912, when lawmakers, shocked at the mortality, outlawed convict leasing, according to historian Robert Perkinson’s book, “Texas Tough: The Rise of America’s Prison Empire.” By his calculation, that means more African Americans died in convict leasing in the south in the same period than in lynchings.

Archaeologists Clark and Banks Whitley said they intend to seek permission from the Texas Historical Commission to complete more detailed analysis of the bones recovered from the cemetery, such as DNA testing. The ideal goal would be to find descendants that could help identify the prisoners, they said.

Veronica Sopher, spokeswoman for the Fort Bend ISD, said the district is also working with Moore to explore the possibility of memorials. It is also exploring the possibility of reburying the 95 bodies in an existing prison cemetery on the same plot of land, the Old Imperial Farm Cemetery, where roughly 30 prisoners were buried between 1912 and 1944.

Reggie Moore is the Imperial cemetery’s volunteer guardian.

Moore said the discovery of the 95 graves has been gratifying after so many years of being the sole advocate for the nameless former slaves and convicts. He has since held memorial ceremonies for them at the Imperial cemetery, calling himself their “spokesman.”

“It was just overwhelming,” Moore said of the discovery of the graves. “And then sad at the same time, because now I know these guys are here. This really did happen.”

Two weeks ago, he went to the site of the graves to see the bodies.

He had to steady himself as he walked up to them, he said, because he felt like he was going to faint. He knew they were dead but for some reason as he looked at their skeletons they seemed more alive than ever, like he really knew them.

It was like being at a funeral for a loved one, he said, the way it feels when you walk up to the casket.

“You’re sad for them,” he said, ” but you know they’re not suffering anymore.”

i read alot about the force labor a while back....

and how black people would be convicted of basically nothing and contracted out to companies to work for free.

Alot of companies started out like this....very big companies thats still aroung
i read alot about the force labor a while back....

and how black people would be convicted of basically nothing and contracted out to companies to work for free.

Alot of companies started out like this....very big companies thats still aroung

The practice of convict leasing is still going on just under another name.

What makes it so fucked up the government(Feds & State) allows these companies to use these inmates and they don't have pay the state or the feds if the inmate gets hurt on that job. The taxpayer pays for that. Also the companies don't have to follow OSHA guidelines. So some of the companies have inmates working with fucked up materials and don't even have to provide them with the proper clothing, masks, etc. to protect themselves from whatever they are working with.

Just like the book and PBS series: SLAVERY BY ANOTHER NAME
The practice of convict leasing is still going on just under another name.

What makes it so fucked up the government(Feds & State) allows these companies to use these inmates and they don't have pay the state or the feds if the inmate gets hurt on that job. The taxpayer pays for that. Also the companies don't have to follow OSHA guidelines. So some of the companies have inmates working with fucked up materials and don't even have to provide them with the proper clothing, masks, etc. to protect themselves from whatever they are working with.

Just like the book and PBS series: SLAVERY BY ANOTHER NAME
thats where i got it from....thank you
Niggas really think they can vote out of this

Nature is nature

That's a pretty defeatist attitude. Also it's demonstrably false in this case...

"In Texas alone, more than 3,500 prisoners died between 1866 and 1912, when lawmakers, shocked at the mortality, outlawed convict leasing,"

Guess how those lawmakers got elected? That's right - people voted for them. And guess how new laws were enacted to create a modern day version of this? That's right, people voted for politicians that enabled it.

But please do tell us how posting like you're enlightened and above it all on the internet is a more effective vehicle for change than voting.
Why do you niggas talk like this. Y’all talk to people like this in real life w/o repercussions? Too many words in the dictionary to not be as specific/simple as possible. I process fine

Even your further explanation is vague and general besides the cop

Every gang member and street nigga got a story as well as the gangs themselves

I don’t hate them niggas. I wanna chop it up. In school, I learned African American(slave) history in February. I was into my 20s before I heard the name Mansa Musa. Ain’t my place to judge these niggas. I love and need em.
actually i dont when someone says something is a vague ass statement.
i expect that you can help with the overall thought process and read it for what it is.


bruh we all got stories....every single person.
i get it.
i have talked to many kids and adults about thier life....often talked about on the IC.

but that dont give a person a reason to add pain to my story..
its fucked up how alot of people came up...but also people need to hold personal accountability.
thats goes for men and women.
problem is people take advantage of them and use them for their own gain after the people who was supposed to protect them didnt.

trust me ....i get.
but dont kill my cousin just because we wanted chinese food on their block.

a story can be edited.....and stories direction can be changed....called a cliff hanger.
those people have to find self worth.
The g shit is I knew exactly you would do that when I typed it

Guess I am elevated lol

There’s a difference but you prefer to be sassy. Have it. I directly addressed you in a post, you piggybacked off my convo with another instead of standing on your statement when addressed.

Men talking, address my post to you or keep it moving. I don’t talk to niggas raised by nana

You seem pretty defensive. Why don't you use that energy to clarify and defend whatever your initial point was supposed to be and then maybe we can have a dialogue. Otherwise if you continue to deflect I'll just continue to not really take you seriously.
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The g shit is I knew exactly you would do that when I typed it

Guess I am elevated lol

There’s a difference but you prefer to be sassy. Have it. I directly addressed you in a post, you piggybacked off my convo with another instead of standing on your statement when addressed.

Men talking, address my post to you or keep it moving. I don’t talk to niggas raised by nana
aint got much to add .......smdh

Just as another example of how voting directly effects issues around prison reform (in case anyone actually needed it)...

One winner under Trump: The private prison industry

The U.S. prison population has been falling for several years, reaching its lowest imprisonment rate since 1997, amid a sharp decline in violent crime. But that isn't ending the good times for the private-prison industry.

That might seem counter-intuitive, but analysts point to President Donald Trump's initiatives as providing an unexpected boon for these businesses. Although Mr. Trump's 2019 budget would maintain the federal Bureau of Prison's annual spending at $7.1 billion, some analysts expect spending to shift to private prison companies. At the same time, the budget calls for $2.5 billion to hold as many as 47,000 illegal immigrants within detention centers, another major revenue source for prison operators.

It's a remarkable turnaround for an industry that less than two years ago was on track to be phased out from use by the federal government, which at the time cited declining prison populations and reforms for its decision. A month after President Trump was inaugurated, the Justice Department backtracked and said it would continue to use private prisons.

Since President Trump initiated a crackdown on illegal immigrants, the surge in arrests by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has also proved to be a boon for private-prison giants CoreCivic (CXW) and The Geo Group (GEO), according to Stefanie Miller of Height Securities.

Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/one-winner-under-trump-the-private-prison-industry/
You seem pretty defensive. Why don't you use that energy to clarify and defend whatever your initial point was supposed to be and then maybe we can have a dialogue. Otherwise if you continue to deflect I'll just continue to not really take you seriously.
accountability is what hes lacking and trying to defend those that harm and hurt us.

nigga dont even realize he attacked my statement but he wanna flip it.

must be the ambien.
Nah I actually started replying to you and realized I ain’t care that much

You didn’t really say anything I felt like needed a response. Just a bunch of holier than thou nonsense.

Post you quoted wasn’t for you. I’ll assume you knew that though.

lol @ accountability, we didn’t have any discussion. You don’t know me nigga. When men start interactions with insults, I recluse myself. You’ve already left the conversation space and turned it into something else

We speak as men or not at all
nigga stop the shit...aint no one start with an insult.
you came with what you should call an insult.

and yes, let me know when im talking to a man and ill address him as such