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Black People Need To Be More Racist

i think he missed the mark on this one

racism isn't the preference of one race to others.....

protecting your own first isn't racism.....

racism is the belief that one race is superior to another....

not preferred.. but superior..... the belief that blacks are inferior to whites is racism.....

racism in america is a problem because he government is set up to enforce that belief to the point where black folk are presented with more obstacles that feed the perception that we are inferior to our white counterparts....

black people don't need to be racist to white folk.....we don't need to consider ourselves superior to them at all....just like a vast majority of them don't need it

racism is only needed by those who choose to manipulate the masses into protecting the interests of those in power...

shit ain't needed for any form of social progression at all imo....
Black people can't be racist, the way society is set up. Racism is a system n the perpetrator has to have power.

Is he confusing racism with positive discrimination/supporting our own first?
Black people can't be racist, the way society is set up. Racism is a system n the perpetrator has to have power.

Is he confusing racism with positive discrimination/supporting our own first?
False, black people can be racist but inost cases they/we choose not to.
False, black people can be racist but inost cases they/we choose not to.
Cuz the choice isn't legally enforceable....

The only way for a black person in america to be racist is to be responsible for the well being of white people and to purposefully deny them the same resources as black folk soley for the reason that they feel they are interior.

Even black people in power cannot do this with out facing a discrimination lawsuit.

People gotta stop confusing prejudice,, preference, and discrimination with actual racism....

RACISM is a very specific thing.

Banner and Cain, y'all both calling the wrong shit racism.
This is racism.

I'm a boss. I pay my black workers 15% more than every other race, because I believe black employees are more valuable.

I give my black employees the benefit of the doubt, for shit I'd fire other races for.

In fact, I rarely even hire outside of black folk to begin with.... But the only reason I do is bcuz if for any reason I gotta make cuts.... It ain't gonna be the black folk.

That's a black racist.
Cuz the choice isn't legally enforceable....

The only way for a black person in america to be racist is to be responsible for the well being of white people and to purposefully deny them the same resources as black folk soley for the reason that they feel they are interior.

Even black people in power cannot do this with out facing a discrimination lawsuit.

People gotta stop confusing prejudice,, preference, and discrimination with actual racism....

RACISM is a very specific thing.

Banner and Cain, y'all both calling the wrong shit racism.
We had this same debate on the Blackboard.

IF we pooled our sources together like Mexican's, Asian's and Indian's (red dot) and work as a unit we could be a power and in fact do what Banner is speaking on.

That's specific reason why I said what I said we could but we won't.
Yea, but that ain't racism though....

Banner making good points, but he falling into a trap of calling it the wrong thing...

That's important...

Black folk pooling together and moving as a unit isn't racism.... I don't know how else to explain it.... But by using that word he's working against his entire proposal..

That's like if a nigga trying to sell you an impala and keep calling it a charger.... At some point you gonna be like....

Bruh...... Fuck is you talking about?
Like I still think desegregation was a mistake.

Black folk studying staying with black folk, might have meant limited resources for a few decades, but I feel together our progress would have been stronger....
That's essentially what banner and a lot of other folk calling for.... Black folk to be make more combined efforts......

But again....

That ain't racism
Everything Du said
Like I still think desegregation was a mistake.

Black folk studying staying with black folk, might have meant limited resources for a few decades, but I feel together our progress would have been stronger....
That's essentially what banner and a lot of other folk calling for.... Black folk to be make more combined efforts......

But again....

That ain't racism
Word. I believe in black nationalism.
This is racism.

I'm a boss. I pay my black workers 15% more than every other race, because I believe black employees are more valuable.

I give my black employees the benefit of the doubt, for shit I'd fire other races for.

In fact, I rarely even hire outside of black folk to begin with.... But the only reason I do is bcuz if for any reason I gotta make cuts.... It ain't gonna be the black folk.

That's a black racist.

No. This is discrimination.

  1. 1.
    the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
No. This is discrimination.

  1. 1.
    the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
prejudicial treatment is a factor of racism.....

and if you look at my words i said because i feel that are more valuable.....

value, as in superior value. If i believe that black people by design are more effective at the work I want than other races.....with no proof other than my personal prejudices.....and i use that opinion to provide opportunities for those people...that makes me a racist...

  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a program to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
    "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudicial treatment is a factor of racism.....

and if you look at my words i said because i feel that are more valuable.....

value, as in superior value. If i believe that black people by design are more effective at the work I want than other races.....with no proof other than my personal prejudices.....and i use that opinion to provide opportunities for those people...that makes me a racist...

  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a program to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
    "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Yeah but you can be racist and not have any power or authority to act on that racism, which would be discrimination. Racism is a thought or belief of superiority.
This is why we need to stop looking/listening to these talking heads, they always say some smart dumb shit. He's conflating racial discrimination from a powerful majority with general nepotism. It's literally a false equivalence, like how far up your own ass do you have to be to say something like this, especially in the manner he said it in.

Smh at this goofy shit
Yeah but you can be racist and not have any power or authority to act on that racism, which would be discrimination. Racism is a thought or belief of superiority.
Power and authority are key to racism in America.

We're talking in practice not theory.

Racism as it effects us , black folk in America. And power and authority have everything to do with it because we are faced with treatment and a consideration that other races do not face.

When a black american says blacks need to be more racist it misses the mark, because its nothing for black folk to look out for their own. But to really place black folk at a higher value than other races , we would need the power and resources to inflict it and the laws to enforce it.... things we do not have