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Poll Best Villain

Best villain

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You're the target, not the victim šŸ§
Mod Squad

I say Cobra. Nigga had the whole military after him.

The rest only required a squad at best.

Skeletor and mumm-ra were powerful, but i felt like it was only a regional threat at best. And the Thundercats were like a 6 man squad that had him in check.

Skeletor was treated more like a dragon threatening a village. And still he-man and a few others kept him in check

But cobra ran the largest terrorist cell on the planet, and was routinely executing world domination plans that required them to keep pulling the deepest and most secret ops type niggaz on the assignment.

Like every extra highly trained nigga in their whole universe had to eventually get called up to deal with Cobra. And this nigga kept coming back.
Shredder didn't even need the national guard

4 turtles, a rat, and a nigga in a hockey mask kept him in check....

Granted they were tough....

But Cobra had so many skilled special ops on his ass..... So many, and kept moving.

Like you ever read the stats on these niggaz?? It's crazy. Like crazy. Snake eyes alone might take the turtles down. I did say might. But he needed hella squads for Cobra
I'll have to go with Mumm-Ra the ever living. Yes the Thundercats handle him on every turn but he's the ever living. As long as evil exists he will be alive. He'll be here way after the rest of them villains has died off
I don't really know what Mum Ra is after other than the sword of omens
I think he was an immortal mummy who had a hulk power up.... But something about getting the sword would let him stay in hulk mode...I forget
Shredder didn't even need the national guard

4 turtles, a rat, and a nigga in a hockey mask kept him in check....

Granted they were tough....

But Cobra had so many skilled special ops on his ass..... So many, and kept moving.

Like you ever read the stats on these niggaz?? It's crazy. Like crazy. Snake eyes alone might take the turtles down. I did say might. But he needed hella squads for Cobra
But them Turtles took out his whole army tho....muhfuckas could RUMBLE.

Out here dusting niggas on skateboards.....shit was unseemingly.
But them Turtles took out his whole army tho....muhfuckas could RUMBLE.

Out here dusting niggas on skateboards.....shit was unseemingly.

Yeah, 4 GI JOE niggaz with guns would have mowed the whole foot down way quicker....

Like the movie would have been brutal... They would have lit shredder dumb ass up....

Krang: oh shit, I ain't know niggaz on earth got down like this... I was expecting green niggaz with nunchucks..

Duke: well now you know dummy, and knowing is half the battle...
Smh @ Cobra Commander being pick.

The same CC who always retreated?

The same CC who got bullyfooted outta his position by Serpentor?

The same CC who then got turned into snake and kept repeating "Was once a man"?

The same CC who's got half his army taken by Destro b/c he got tired of being wit a weak azzz leader and formed his own army?

Cosign replacing Gargamel with Megatron. Who gives a shit about Gargamel?

To be honest, all those villains were real losers.

Shredder was good in the first movie, but he was largely a clown in the cartoon.

Skeletor and Cobra Commander got bitched up by Hordak and Serpentor respectively.

Out of the choices given, I'd go for Mumm Ra. He was just as much of a loser as the others, but he was actually nerfed whereas the others were all at their best.