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COMMUNITY Best Random Screenshot Contest


Bucket hat Dad
Site Administrator
Gonna try to bring some games to the Cinema section of the site. Been thinking about this one for a min but have just been lazy

the game is simple.

While you are watching shows online and shit, randomly take screenshots at moments. Im still trying to decide if this should be at the viewers discretion or if i should just say, post whatever the screenshot is at 32:43 in the movie to make it random, but that will be different places for different movies and what if its just a shot of the dessert or something lol

but anyway, before i officially launch it, i would like to have some feedback from ya'll

I'm currently watching S5 of Bosch (great detective/drama show...highly recommend) on Amazon and i had to answer the phone and it was at this scene when i stopped...this is to give an idea of what I had in mind...thoughts?


Season 3 episode 24 of "Lucifer" on Netflix.

The moment Chloe and Lucifer walked in on an ambush by Kane...as in Kane & Able

Was pissed that Fox cancelled it...but ecstatic that Netflix picked up Season 4. If you haven't watched it...I highly recommend you do.