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Best 2 Black Mirror Episodes (S 1&2)

Best 2 Episodes

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Nigga it's black history month!! It's a no fly zone!
Black chick in black museum fucking nuts

Put that white lady in a monkey
Nice little surprise twist at the end there

Not gonna front, only bad joint in the first 4 seasons was MetalHead. That was stupid as shit
Yea that's the episode that's received the most hate so far.
Watching Nosedive with my 11yo and 8yo

Explaining it like a college lecture
Yall take this black and white thing too serious sometimes lol, maybe the bitch prefers white dick, idk.
And fuck that I enjoyed Metal Head, brought back that original Terminator vibe and the visuals were really nice. The dumbest episode is the game show character one and the soldier one I believe it's called Men Against Fire, me and my girl fell asleep twice on it.
I went with the two with the best twist

History of you and white xmas

Glad to see a majority of you are smart also