Welcome To aBlackWeb


Again, nobody is following you; you post in every fuckin thread and odds are, you post the most in said thread

Just like now


The worst takes.

The worst analogies.

The worst comprehension skills.

Possibly a top 5 worst poster in IC / ABW history.

The consummate victim / crybaby.

Constant source of lies, rumors, confusion and chaos.

And hopes one day the whole world will believe that Jay-Z raped a child .

… Even though he doesn’t even believe it.

Did I forget anything?
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The worst takes.

The worst analogies.

The worst comprehension skills.

Possibly a top 5 worst poster in IC / ABW history.

The consummate victim / crybaby.

Constant source of lies, rumors, confusion and chaos.

And hopes one day the whole world will believe that Jay-Z raped a child .

… Even though he doesn’t even believe it.

Did I forget anything?

Marc by far is the worst poster