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Do you or anyone close to you have autism or is on the spectrum? Did you/they ever feel abnormal? How has this affected your life?
I have a little cousin that's on the spectrum, and from the outside looking in. Everyone loves him, thinks hes sweet, kind, and caring. Hes loved and it doesnt appear, at least from my perspective. That he spends much time feeling sorry for himself or down on himself.
My two youngest are on spectrum for Aspberger's. High functioning, brilliant, but they have these... Quirks.
Lol..there was a moment in my early 20's where I thought I had asperger's due to my lack of emotional depth. I asked my mom, and she was like..nah the pedi woulda told me....u cant blame that on nothing, that's all u
Do you or anyone close to you have autism or is on the spectrum? Did you/they ever feel abnormal? How has this affected your life?

My girl's 2nd youngest daughter is on the spectrum. Non-verbal. She's super fascinating. I don't think she ever feels abnormal. Hasn't affected my life nearly as much as some others. Her behavior is super mild, compared to some. She doesn't have any obsessive behaviors, really. And when she starts to develop them, they're easy to break. She isn't violent. She doesn't stem in any crazy way. She knows how to stfu when we tell her. Etc. It's really just about having more patience.

Like all kids with autism, she's super routine based. They fucked around and changed the packaging on Cinnamon, Toast, Crunch a few years back and she was NOT having that shit, my nigga. Lol.
I'm on the spectrum with Asperger's syndrome. I've been more comfortable with coming to terms with it in recent years but there were times where I didn't want to because of years of bullying in middle/high school.

Being black and on the spectrum can be rough because AS doesn't have much research dedicated towards it along with the stigma of Autism in general. With Asperger's I still suffer at times with social situations and being introverted on top of it can annoy people close to me at times. I keep to myself just like anyone else and have aspirations of being successful.
Where is the line drawn between being socially awkward/shy/having aspergers?

Seems like there is alot of grey area or what is the distinction?