No, we are not playing the victim because we are truly the victim. It has been an us vs them society since we were found/brought/came here. Slavery, Jim Crow, share cropping are all institutions put into Law that were made to hinder Blacks.
Fought for the right to vote, they change the rules on voting. You get out and vote, they throw away your votes, sabatage voting centers, pull over voting vans to delay ppl.
You can look at shady lending practices. They wouldn't lend to a Black person with income, job history and good credit, because....they are Black.
When Black Ppl create something prosperous from the ground up, they Bomb it, Kill the leaders, put drugs and guns in the community, put a freeway through the community to create a division
We have been at the push of every fight for human rights, equality, civil rights in this country, at every turn we have been met with death and hate.
We have all seen mass shooters apprehended alive and taken to Burger King, whereas a Law abiding Black Person can have car Trouble, and be killed for it by Police and THE Police officer get rich and heralded for it.
Do I endorse thinking like a victim no, but I am aware of what I live.
The laws and country weren't designed with us in mind to be equal or pursue life, liberty or happiness
It’s truly hard to play a role, when you live the character.