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Answer this real quick


We Don't Won't No Damn Giddy!
Site Administrator
Ladies, when the last time you gave a Male a gift that wasn't an immediate family member and why

Fellas, when the last you received a gift from a female and why?
Can't recall on the gifts
A homegirl of mine did something nice for me the other day without me asking. Took me by surprise. I'd do the same for her but i definitely don't be expecting shit from the these selfish b....ima just say unstable creatures
good question.

last week.....but im not sure it was a gift or her wanting me to rep her school.

bout to go start a fight
Can't recall on the gifts
A homegirl of mine did something nice for me the other day without me asking. Took me by surprise. I'd do the same for her but i definitely don't be expecting shit from the these selfish b....ima just say unstable creatures
What's the something nice

Did you call it something nice or her?
Chick from my job bought me a shit ton of nerf guns she had laying around....

Took them on vacation and had a nerf war on the woods
been a long time if we're talking "gift" like it was presented in that form.....Here, I thought about you....

but all the time if you count literal things you say you need....if I mention I need this specific tool or im low on conditioner, it pops up within the week
How that stop you from answering?