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ANGER......Let's Shine A Light on it.

Recently I have been taking control of my anger and the results so far are pretty cool, my driving has been very relaxing and my journeys are more enjoyable, so how do we cut the anger down to a minimum? the first thing we need to do is analyze our anger, where is it coming from and why? for me I found it was over the little things in life that are not that big of a deal BUT still I made them out to be, as soon as we can find out the whys the sooner we can get to work on stopping this bad habit.

It's also funny how since I have started to take control my relationship is just funny to watch, I can now see when she is trying to trigger me into an angry state of mind just so she can point the finger at me and say "you're so nasty" and to see her confused look when I do not take the bait is great.

I also think sometimes anger can be a good thing we don't need to cut it out fully, anger is needed we just need to know when to dish it out and when to chill, for example yesterday I started to shout and scream aggressively......In the car by myself, I wasn't angry I just felt like doing it for the feeling.

How angry do you get? is this a problem in your life?
most days im cool as a fan but i internalize a lot

so other days here and there im jumpy af and taking on every little battle

if im really hot like that and need to chill I either punch on some shit or do pushups or something.....kinda helps me think about whatever it is and break it down at the same time....if im still mad i smoke.....i was gonna smoke anyway but i really gotta zone out for a min
Had a bad Temper. It takes a lot for me to get to that point. I'm a chill person, but if it gets to that point, it's plain ignorance. Would be on some terminator seek and destroy shit. Like I'm aware of what I'm doing, but I'm not....If that makes sense.

WORST THat I let that shit get out of hand, I had a nigga whole family looking for me. I was talking to this broad, and was broke, so I moved in her spot. She had just kicked her ex out about 3 weeks before, but I didn't give a shit. Homie was doing 3rd party threats, I paid them no mind. So homie goes to her job, smacks her up, takes our (her) rent money. I cared about shorty, so I found dude, it was on sight.
not knowing the extent of what I did, I go back to my girl house and play 2k. She telling me I need to hide out cause he in the hospital and his brothers and cousins looking for me. I'm like all I did was beat his ass, he'll be alright,, she like no, I need to hop a Greyhound and lay low for a bit.

It has affected me, mostly when I was younger to the point where my own ppl called me crazy. I just hate disrespect, and I'm good to my ppl, but when they don't reciprocate, it bothers me. I just cut them off now rather than even discussing it.

I try to not put myself in dumb situations, screen the ppl that I let get close to me.

One thing I have to do is get back in the gym. That really helped, plus a nigga was in shape. Had a Playlist called the Hate Mix, would try to channel all my bullshit into the workout, shit works.
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Weed has cooled me down alot recently.

Since i stopped drinkin and started smoking again i realized i give out way less whoopins to my kids.

This smoke is saving their butts
Used to have a really bad temper growing up...expounded by taking steroids thru my teen years for asthma made me more angry. Was always a wall/door/random objects puncher because I’m tha oldest and only boy with 2 sisters, so I’d never hit them, even as a child, I’d hit other shit. Every house I’ve lived in has a hole or summin somewhere...even my childhood room still doesn’t have a door, partly because it’s now my moms computer/sewing room, and partly because I broke like 4 of them thru my teen years...got to a point I had a bs plywood and cardboard door with no door knob...just a shoestring tied in tha hole to pull it shut lol

Now I’m super mellow, because of a lot of things. Weed, age, experience all helped but tha biggest thing was definitely becoming a father almost 13 yrs ago now. I knew I couldn’t leave my seed to be raised by these streets/this world so I calmed all tha way down and now it takes a lot to get me mad....But still don’t try cuz I don’t hit females but I’ll knock a nigga tf out

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most days im cool as a fan but i internalize a lot

so other days here and there im jumpy af and taking on every little battle

if im really hot like that and need to chill I either punch on some shit or do pushups or something.....kinda helps me think about whatever it is and break it down at the same time....if im still mad i smoke.....i was gonna smoke anyway but i really gotta zone out for a min

This shit. Almost exactly.
i have a bad temper.....

i just walk away,....

thats how i control it.

that or i get quiet....because most likely im about to choke a nigga and kick his puppy
I used to have a crazy temper but my anger has went down so much the last 2-3 years that I could say I'm like a different person.
I have no temper at all. I see most things objectively and am very forgiving. I get mad, but I settle down real quick. I just get quiet and analyze the shit to the umpteenth degree.

I'm kind of afraid of what might happen if something pushes me to the edge. I think the only trigger for that is my kids though. Somebody do something to them and I'd probably lose it, while thinking the whole time that I shouldn't be doing it because I still need to be around for them after my fit of rage.
By the way, you niggas need to get the book The Daily Stoic. It gives a lot of insight from past philosophers and how to be objective and develop self control.
i have a bad temper.....

i just walk away,....

thats how i control it.

that or i get quiet....because most likely im about to choke a nigga and kick his puppy

What the puppy do though? I’m calling the animal police on you.
I had a bad temper. I'd get so mad, that I would literally tell myself im doing the devils work. Black out angry. Fuck it. Everybody had to get it. Then I lost it all. Anger cost me everything. I sat down for a little bit. Promised myself I'd never let anger be such a high power in my life. Really let go of internal shit from my past I cant change. Re-evaluated friends & family I let too close. Cut off everybody. If I see a trait in somebody that cause me to get angry, I dead the relationship completely. I took counseling for it. The best thing to do is take deep breaths. Your brain doesnt go off the deep end if you flood it with oxygen when you feel that blood temp start to rise.
Don't really know exactly when it happened, but......at some point.......my anger was replaced with apathy and indifference.