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Almost every female has a story of going through something like this... seeing it is infuriating

Creepy stuff. There's more pervy fucks around than ppl realize. Two of my three sisters been sexually harassed or groped by strangers on the street. Makes u wonder about the ppl u pass on a daily basis. Stay safe ladies..

Ps. This happened in Vancouver, Canada. If u were ever unsure how to tell apart a Canadian from an American listen to her saying "about" around the 10 second mark.
To be honest, I don't know what you do to end shit like that. A lot of feminists and women's rights advocates thing shaming men for every poorly executed interaction is the correct course of action but it really isn't. Stalkers, serial gropers, and dudes like that aren't like normal dudes. They just don't give a fuck, and attacking every dude that isn't all that skilled with handling women won't do anything to stop the real weirdos from what they're doing.
I honestly wouldn't have believed that if told but she got proof she should have called.the cops.right away they can track the phone. ThThis is fucking crazy
Talk about having time on your hands to just follow someone you donā€™t know for almost an hour. I would have ducked into a restaurant or something to call the cops. I feel sorry for people who have to deal with these weirdos
Hindsight is 20/20 but given that he was stalking her for so long, it was a shame that she didn't try to call the police during the ordeal.

They probably wouldn't have been able to do anything about him at the time (i.e. arrest etc) but at least getting his name, address etc would be something because I didn't see much to go off in IDing him from the video
I remember once a co worker and me parked right next to each other in a big ass employee parking lot completely unaware

but we got off like 11pm and were talking on the shuttle.... When we were walking to our cars...I could tell she was trying to keep back panic.... But I was confused as to why...

She low key thought I might be trying to run up on her in the dark parking lot.... She was relieved when she realized I was just going to my car.....but that shit fucked with me. First I was insulted... Then I realized it sucks sometimes to be a woman
I don't know how women do it, sometimes.

The way he stood waiting while she was talking to the group. What the fuck...

One of my homegirls moved out of nyc recently and as much as I'm going to miss her, I'm happy she's moving to an open carry state. I told her as soon as she gets her license to let me know, her first one is on me.
I don't know how women do it, sometimes.

The way he stood waiting while she was talking to the group. What the fuck...

One of my homegirls moved out of nyc recently and as much as I'm going to miss her, I'm happy she's moving to an open carry state. I told her as soon as she gets her license to let me know, her first one is on me.

I feel bad for women. My sister once had a stalker smh. I thought it was bad for them with the messages they get from men on social media but itā€™s like they can never let their guard down
Exactly what was this clown trying to accomplish?

What was the END GAME?

Was he just gonna follow her all day?

Did he expect her to stop and talk to him?

On one side it might not have even been the first time he's stalked her just the first time she's caught it. And that's the scary part.

On another side he probably wasn't gonna do shit. Some of these mfs so crazy they don't even realize what they're doing that or how fucked up it is they just zone tf out.
there was this girl that worked with us years ago that was super noid about this kinda shit

our office was downtown and you know how that goes....weirdos everywhere at all hours just lurking

somebody (male) had to walk her outside every day and she WOULD NOT go through the basement of our building.....i could be holding a bazooka and she aint going....we had to walk around the building to the back parking lot lol

it seemed like a lot sometimes but unfortunately shit is the way it is.....she was tiny and drove several nice vehicles too