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Aiyo Michelle


Miami 🇳🇮
Mod Squad

She too st4ong I don't like her shoulders. Shesbuilt like a linebacker. Her trapezious muscles are huge. She's done one shoulder shrug too many. Women shouldn't do shoulder shrugs.
Hey ain't my fault the bitch is built like a man. If you like brolic by the power of greyskull built bitches thats on you but I don't do she -Men and her face strong you might want to check for an Adams apple buddy.
You see a woman and the first thing you think of is a dude...but I gotta check for Adams apples?
You see a woman and the first thing you think of is a dude...but I gotta check for Adams apples?
Are you blind? she has hardbody features look at those neck muscles. Her breast are turning into pecs obviously she's into body building. I guarantee you next year she's gonna be looking like a compititionbody builder with hardass thighs and veins in her arms and her face will be stronger than ever if she keeps this up. I wasn't knocking anybody for liking her in my first comment I was just saying i can't get with it.
We all have our types and there's nothi g wrong with a woman working out and staying in shape but this Ain the shape I like each to his own. Some of y'all like these chicks with well-defined and and that's borderline homo imo. I'll stick with bria miles ,ana cheri, amirah dyme , all the girls in the random thots and bbw threads and y'all can keep this one to yourself. She need to chill with that body building shit.