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After 5 years, Black Lives Matter inspires new protest movements


After a grand jury acquitted George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in July 2013, Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi created #BlackLivesMatter to start a broader conversation about racism in the U.S.

Five years later, issues brought to the national fore by the grassroots organization have become staples of progressive platforms – from #BlackLivesMatter to Parkland to #AbolishIce, there is a direct through line to calls to hold government accountable for gun violence and the treatment of minority communities, political experts say.

“The movement is growing, its influence on American politics is growing,” said Deva Woodly, an associate professor of politics at the New School. “Not only has it shifted the attention of activists, but also the public at large.”

Much of that influence has been in shifting conversations on race and the role of protests in politics.

“It has popularized civil disobedience and the need to put our bodies on the line,” Cullors said. “With things like the Women’s March, and Me Too, and March for our Lives, all of these movements, their foundations are in Black Lives Matter.”

Black Lives Matter has also attracted backlash, including from President Trump. In July 2016, on Fox News' the O'Reilly Factor Trump, who was then running for office said, "I've seen them marching down the street, essentially calling death to the police, and I think we're going to have to look into that."

In November 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions was grilled by black members of Congress on the House Judiciary Committee for an FBI report on "black identity extremists," seen to target Black Lives Matter.

As a member of the Senate in 2015, Sessions once said: “I do think it’s a real problem when we have Black Lives Matter making statements that are really radical, that are absolutely false.”

Cullors said that their message and their movement was one designed to be active online and to mobilize protests in the streets.

The movement's online presence has been critical to its impact and growth over the last five years. A recent report from the Pew Research Center found that #BlackLivesMatter has been tweeted nearly 30 million times since 2013, an average of 17,002 times a day.

“That hashtag is recognizable, that hashtag evokes something, I think, in the spirit of all people, not just here in America but around the world,” said Sonia Lewis, the lead of the Sacramento chapter of Black Lives Matter and the cousin of Stephon Clark, who was killed in a police-involved shooting this March.

On the street, Black Lives Matter has both sustained protests around police violence and has shaped the principles of more recent protest movements.

And the movement's work has reverberated far beyond urban enclaves that have often seen the tension between law enforcement and minority communities play out.

Delaney Tarr, of the March for Our Lives protests stemming from gun control protests after the mass shooting in Parkland, said that Black Lives Matter has been something she’s “incredibly conscious of.”

“No matter who the perpetrator is gun violence is still gun violence,” she added, saying that the lessons from Black Lives Matter have been something her movement has factored in because “we really wanted to be as intersectional as possible.”

In addition to protests, Woodly said that Black Lives Matter has been instrumental in “changing people’s minds about what’s possible and desirable.”

According to Gallup’s most recent Most Important Problem poll, Americans rank immigration and race relations as the third and fourth biggest issues facing the country, a shift from five years ago Woodly says.

Black Lives Matter helped popularize some of today’s more liberal policy positions.“The call to abolish ICE is connected to the call to abolish police and prisons,” Woodly said.

Adrian Reyna, the director of membership and technology strategies at United We Dream, a youth lead immigrant rights organization, echoed that sentiment.

"They have really set the ground to be able to push back against federal agencies like ICE and CBP, who are basically executing the agenda of putting as many people into the deportation pipeline and into detention centers," he said.

The Movement for Black Lives platform, released in 2016 by a coalition including 50 activist groups related to Black Lives Matter, calls for single-payer healthcare, the legalization of marijuana, in addition to an end of mass incarceration and police violence towards black people.

“There are so many different elected [officials], both black and white, who are challenging the status quo right now,” Cullors said, calling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s recent election “a testament to our movement”.

Kerri Evelyn Harris, who is running for Senate in Delaware on a progressive platform, said that Black Lives Matter has “made sure that we had to recognize things that for so long that we’ve turned a blind eye to.”

As for the future of Black Lives Matter, Cullors said the organization is “in the middle of an evolution.”

“For the last five years we’ve been on the streets. We’ve been protesting, we’ve been shutting down highways,” she said. “And now, we have to ground down and decide what are the strategies, what’s our institution going to look like.”
And with all of that said, they are sponsored by G Soros, which is very interesting, and have accomplished nothing.

Serious question... why do people mention BLM groups possibly getting some funding from George Soros like that's some kind of gotcha like if he was the boogeyman or something?
Well number 1, it’s a fact, and 2, if you knew who he was and what he does, ie economy manipulation and more, you would understand.

Okay does anybody have an actual answer? Or should I have just tweeted my question to Roseann Barr or Alex Jones?
No, but there's thing called "reading" that I heard is really helpful.

bruh... you're embarrassing yourself. In case you didn't realize, I was pointing out that by mentioning Soros' name as some kind of specter you were essentially parroting baseless tinfoil hat right-wing talking points that have no basis in facts or reality.

I gave you a chance to explain where you were coming from and this is all I get? I'm disappointed.
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No, but there's thing called "reading" that I heard is really helpful.

Provide a link from someone you consider a credible source on this (Soros and why his influence would be a negative thing), I’ll be glad to read
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...economic war criminal, funding Clinton campaigns, funding Lynn Stewart and there’s more. But of course, lazy ass niggas don’t want to actually read anything and want someone else to do the work for them all the while trying to sound intelligent on the internet.

Don't take this the wrong way but it really looks like you opened with a jackass statement that you're unable to support when challenged and now you're using deflection tactics.

lol @ he's rich and donated money to political causes and campaigns being your justification for acting like George Soros is Voldemort status.

Let me do a quick search to see if you have that same energy for the Koch brothers. Actually I'll just save myself the time since they aren't the subject of whatever dimwit twitter conspiracy theories count as "reading" and "doing work" these days.
You guys are just too lazy to scour the ass end of of youtube to find your own right-wing misinformation propaganda.
BLM didn't start shit. They just took over an already growing movement and sucked the oxygen out from it.

Controlled opposition for those in power.
Serious question... why do people mention BLM groups possibly getting some funding from George Soros like that's some kind of gotcha like if he was the boogeyman or something?
It's controlled opposition. The elites use these groups to stifle any real change. OWS came about right as the public was demanding real laws to be passed, and real consequences for financial crimes. BLM came about right as we were again talking about laws to fix police corruption.

Can anyone name the accomplishments of OWS or BLM? These groups got money and 95% of MSM coverage, but didn't do shit.
It's controlled opposition. The elites use these groups to stifle any real change. OWS came about right as the public was demanding real laws to be passed, and real consequences for financial crimes. BLM came about right as we were again talking about laws to fix police corruption.

Can anyone name the accomplishments of OWS or BLM? These groups got money and 95% of MSM coverage, but didn't do shit.

What exactly did you want them to do? They're protesters. They protested.

And I'm not sure if you really believe that if it weren't for OWS or BLM that the gov't would really be cracking down on Wall Street corruption and police brutality but there's no way in hell I'm even entertaining that.

Also I'm still not clear on how George Soros fits into all this.
What exactly did you want them to do? They're protesters. They protested.

And I'm not sure if you really believe that if it weren't for OWS or BLM that the gov't would really be cracking down on Wall Street corruption and police brutality but there's no way in hell I'm even entertaining that.

Also I'm still not clear on how George Soros fits into all this.
I want them to use the money and influence given to them....for actual results. BLM does nothing of value, it's all virtue-signalling bullshit. That's how you can tell they're controlled opposition. The leaders of BLM was a confused white dude and a gay guy. I can go to the Urban League here in LA and see people tutoring, helping with job placement, giving legal advice and so on. BLM does nothing, nada. it's a Soros group to promote the interest of elites...aka wealthy white people.
I want them to use the money and influence given to them....for actual results. BLM does nothing of value, it's all virtue-signalling bullshit. That's how you can tell they're controlled opposition. The leaders of BLM was a confused white dude and a gay guy. I can go to the Urban League here in LA and see people tutoring, helping with job placement, giving legal advice and so on. BLM does nothing, nada. it's a Soros group to promote the interest of elites...aka wealthy white people.

Ok so George Soros formed BLM? And he did it in order to not have anything positive done about police brutality? And because somehow that would benefit mega-rich white people?

Yeah I'm gonna ask in vain for some credible references or evidence to support all that.
Ok so George Soros formed BLM? And he did it in order to not have anything positive done about police brutality? And because somehow that would benefit mega-rich white people?

Yeah I'm gonna ask in vain for some credible references or evidence to support all that.

What have they accomplished? Cause you could say the lack of evidence is the evidence. A black movement that doesn't challenge white supremacy, but merely keeps us in the streets begging, has always benefitted white supremacy. That inaction, or spinning wheels, keeps white supremacy safe.
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What have they accomplished? Cause you could say the lack of evidence is the evidence. A black movement that doesn't challenge white supremacy, but merely keeps us in the streets begging, has always benefitted white supremacy. That inaction, or spinning wheels, keeps white supremacy safe.

I never made any declaration about BLM making any accomplishments so I don't think the onus is on me to defend them. All I asked for was evidence for these supposed facts that people are throwing around and niggas vanish into their hidey holes.

I can't even respond to "lack of evidence is the evidence" since it's a cop out. But hey at least you presented your statement as an opinion and not a declaration of fact.

I'll continue to wait for someone to actually back up their bizarre claims with proof or at least a goddamn semi-credible source.
I never made any declaration about BLM making any accomplishments so I don't think the onus is on me to defend them. All I asked for was evidence for these supposed facts that people are throwing around and niggas vanish into their hidey holes.

I can't even respond to "lack of evidence is the evidence" since it's a cop out. But hey at least you presented your statement as an opinion and not a declaration of fact.

I'll continue to wait for someone to actually back up their bizarre claims with proof or at least a goddamn semi-credible source.

If there is no evidence of them accomplishing anything that can back the previous posters claims of how insignificant BLM is. So "lack of evidence is the evidence" is not a cop out. Just like how it's not a cop out as you use the lack of evidence against Soros to claim his detractors don't know anything.

But since you care to wait, don't. Go out there and find your own information if we are insufficient. You'll get no where being lazy yourself and just shit talking bout how others are shit talking
Ahh the old "the truth is out there but you're too lazy to find it" defense. That was already used in this thread you silly goose.

The fact is I can't find proof of something that is false. Neither can you and neither can that other dude. So here we are. 2 pages in and no type of credible backup for any of these outlandish claims. Not even an attempt.

I'm gonna call this case closed.