AEW Thread: Dynamite - 5/29

Scorpio Sky was over when Dynamite started, when they lost the tag straps they dropped the ball with him.
No they didn't
Buddy is a fucking cardboard box of a personality. Get him off the roster ASAP. I would of dropped him for Buddy Murphy but yeah he is a dud he literally weighing Ethan Page down who is actually pretty entertaining on his own. AEW just did a good job at making buddy have a under dog story for the Jericho match, take that away you got nada.
Ima be the one to stay it Punk kinda carried Hobbs in that match. Buddy got like 2 yrs of working to go before he can be pulled as a man event guy. This was a good showing on Punks part tho.
You missing out then. Dude is basically Stone Cold Brian Pillman
I don't see how anybody could hate on Moxley run in about somebody stepping out and killing it. I heavily disliked Mox during his last 2 years In WWE.
MJF man...I tell ya.

When they show film to future wrestlers in training on how to be a heel...MJF will be one of the ones they show
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Arn cut a hell of a promo on Cody tonight

Jungle Boy starting to win me over. I thought he would be more of a tag team guy than singles, but he will have next once Darby gets his chance
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Aww snap Sammy!!!

Hopefully this means Miro will get elevated to the AEW title picture. He put in work with the TNT title
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