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COMMUNITY ABW Photoshop Contest (pg 29 for new contest)

Herbal Kint

The devil is in the details
New Contest Every Monday

Cash Prize of $1,000,000

Starting today, 1/8/18, we will be running a weekly contest where posters submit their best photoshops.

Each week will have a theme or specific picture to be photoshopped and posters can suggest themes/pictures as well.

To be considered, posters have to submit at least one photoshopped pic by 5:00pm Friday each week. The 3 pictures with the most positive reactions (LOL, Ether, GOAT & Cosign) will be then be voted on and a winner will be chosen on each Sunday.

Each poster will be allowed to submit a total of 3 items per week, so make them count!

@Goldie will be in charge of arranging payouts each week.

What's the pic/theme for this week?
This week's pic to Photoshop is my avi


Klay Thompson of your World Champion Golden State Warriors, either really excited or about to sneeze

Matter of fact i meant to photoshop ol boy that posted up in the pic thread ill probably get to it after work if i cant do it in the next few
What do yall use to cut out.. germs what app you use on your phone.. i typically use sumopaint on my laptop