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ABW MK: 2010 Decades! Draft Picks.


2 Words
Welcomes, Welcomes to Club motherfucking Shizknacksss

Knock-Gumbal is your host for this game here. Will try and keep shit in order, if shit get outta line, I'm out this shit, nerves bad.

If I don't respond to this thread, to keep the crowd/fans/players from waiting and talking about my ass and saying how fuck'd up a host I am, I've put things into place where either @OhMars or @Petty Officer Du will take over as host, we all know the themes/topics, shit is already in place if I don't make it to the other side with yall, so we will keep the party going

We about to start this shit off right.

Here's the rules and lay out for this shit, try and follow the shit yall, we on the Internet/TV

1. Choose x amount of years between 2010-2020 (if you know what the fuck is hot in 2018-2020 and the judges and average joe can relate, be my guess and select that shit, I fucks wit your vision to see talent in the future)

(@Judges, how many years can they select again in this draft, I forgot my own shit?)

2. Aye everybody, we family, so don't take the shit to heart, we all just trying to reach 100 years old, so let's enjoy the shit, I assure you that my team will be fair and direct. That's all I got, but we all know that shit won't ride, shit I aint a judge, fuck it

3. Important, important, Read this shit here twice. When selecting a song, please keep in mind that it must correlate with the theme/topic and the song cannot be yo favorite shit, like you the only one that rocks to the shit,
shit won't be judge well, keep in mind that the average Joe could be able to vibe/rock to the shit.

Motherfuckers be posting they joints that they only like and be trying to big-up the shit...nah, not in this game.

Also, to make it a bit challenging, there will be a lot of themes and topics that the judges won't be accepting (radio/single) Fucking songs been use to death, Let's dig in them crates ppl, so me, I'd advise you getting something that you think folks would know but not considered a radio song/single.

4. Everybody

Look at this shit yall

Judge Judah - 2015
Bride - 2012
Goldie -2011
Josh - 2016

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oh shit, thought only 3 ppl were playing.....

2010.....oh wait

2012..oh wait

2015...oh wait

2011....oh wait

Aight aight 2016.......oh wait

Give me a got damn sec