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ABW Emojis: Keep or delete pt. 2

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Cracka free since 2009; Strictly Business 🫱🏿‍🫲
Site Administrator
  1. :really?:
  2. :popcorn:
  3. :clawd3:
  4. :shrug2:
  5. :lol10:
I only like no. 2 out of this group

that white shrug dude always bothered me b/c of how much bigger it was compared to the others
keep the first one for the females. gotta have something that appeals to the ladies too ahlie? have you negroids learned nothing?
you lucky i'm about to be out of pocket for the rest of the day


i see your no BAB preference only applies to non platinum selling female artists who dont sit on glass horses on their album covers.

Time changes. You get change with it or get swept aside 🤷🏿‍♂️

And next time you mention her make sure you put 'Most Grammy Award Winning Artist' in front of her name
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