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A Profession Is Not a Personality

Race Jones

gangster. grace. alchemy

Just as our entertainment culture encourages us to self-objectify physically, our work culture pushes us to self-objectify professionally. Americans tend to valorize being driven and ambitious, so letting work take over virtually every moment of your life is concerningly easy. I know many people who talk of almost nothing besides their work; who are saying, essentially, “I am my job.” This may feel more humanizing and empowering than saying “I am my boss’s tool,” but that reasoning has a fatal flaw: In theory, you can ditch your boss and get a new job. You can’t ditch you
i know a few ppl on abw whose whole personality is centered around what they do professionally

I know a chick whose entire existence is centered on what she does and what the ppl around her do

so fucking annoying
Lmao Shiiiiit y’all bring it up more than I ever do or did.... honestly I never talk about work outside of work... most ppl I know irl don’t know what I do for a living or where

how do we even know what you do for a living my friend if you havent brought it up on multiple occasions…..???

Imo it depends. If u just got in it for the cash or u just trying to survive then no.

But if u got a job for actual meaningful reasons related to your values it most def speaks to your personality at the very least.