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A mutated form of COVID has dead minks rising from their graves in Denmark

While the sight itself is certainly terrifying for the residents of West Jutland, a region of the country grappling with confirmed COVID-19 cases connected to mink, there is likely a scientific explanation for the zombie-like reemergence from their graves.

A Danish police spokesman, Thomas Kristensen, told a state broadcaster that gases form while the body decays underground, according to the Guardian.

“In this way, in the worst cases, the mink get pushed out of the ground,” Kristensen said of the nightmarish sight..... Because of the rushed burial, the animals were placed in shallow graves – just over three feet deep. Now, officials plan to bury the creatures in graves nearly double the depth. The area will be also monitored nonstop until a fence can be set up, the Guardian reported.

Just reading into this... they did a mass cull because minks are one of the few animals that are known to be susceptible to covid. They "buried" them shallow because they're not trying to lose any money by letting them decompose and some weren't actually dead.

This shit is nothing more than human greed displaying itself in yet another disgusting and reprehensible way.
Damn, they were trying to kill all 15 million minks in their country. I know we trying to get rid of a species, but eliminating an entire species from existence in your country is cold blooded.
Man if they don't just cremate them damn animals... The headline is written to grab attention. The details read as if the carcasses fill with gas and expand, pushing them out the ground...they not hopping up out the grave
Man if they don't just cremate them damn animals... The headline is written to grab attention. The details read as if the carcasses fill with gas and expand, pushing them out the ground...they not hopping up out the grave

So yeah... knowing that... it would be way easier to cremate them, right? So why wouldn't they cremate them? Because their fur is worth more than their lives. And people are sick for money. Shit is disgusting.
So yeah... knowing that... it would be way easier to cremate them, right? So why wouldn't they cremate them? Because their fur is worth more than their lives. And people are sick for money. Shit is disgusting.

I don't disagree that its a motivating factor, but did they strip these minks of their fur or bury as is?