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A “hierarchy” on crimes in society’s opinion….

Mister B. M. Ed.

The Devil’s Greatest Advocate…..
Question: how does certain crimes in society get criminals looked at from others?

Ex: how society views murderers vs how society views rapists. In the eyes of society, some murderers are not shunned as much by the public as opposed to rapists, where the general sentiment is they are the Lowest of the low.

So, what determines public sentiment for those who commit crimes?
I think child molesters/murderers are pretty much universally seen as the worst of the worst.

Then comes people who rape, beat, or murder women, but there is a caveat with that. It only applies to certain women i.e., women who are "virtuous" and, in most cases, white. If women seem to have any dirt on them, then that opens the door for some to come up with reasons for why she might have deserved it. Still, there is a segment of society who will ride for women no matter what, even if they are wrong.

At the bottom is crimes against men. Pretty much anything can be done to men, and it's not seen as that big of a deal. To be fair, most violent crime is also perpetuated by men, so that contributes to some of the indifference. Pain and loss of life of black men in particular doesn't matter. Sure, under the right conditions a black man's death can set of international response e.g., George Floyd. Still, for every Floyd, there like 100 black men that were murdered that barely got noticed.