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  1. M

    Poll Game 2: (The Finals) Willy Wonka Series 5 Vs.5: Xo_ Marne Vs. Thurriaa

    *The Winning Team of The Willy Wonka Series 5 Vs. 5 will have each of their Models list Numbers 1-5 on the ABW Top Model Power Rankings 2019 Edition. The Losing Team will have each of their Models List Numbers 6-10 on the ABW Top Model Power Rankings 2019 Edition.* ... May the Best Team Win...
  2. M

    Poll Game 2: (2nd Round) Willy Wonka Series 5 Vs.5: Thurriaa Vs. DarlaDimples

    Game 2: Team @Mr.LV led the Series 1-0 Team @Mr.LV : DarlaDimples Vs. Team @Goldie : Thurriaa
  3. Goldie

