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  1. Goldie

    The Chill Spot (We Hit 2 Million Views!)

    I'm trying to work on this site but shorty keeps tellin me how horny she is ... ..guess I'll continue after I bust this nutt.
  2. Reesey

    Interracial Relationships

    Hey Loves, Touchy topic, I know. Many have either been in one, are currently in one, or are a product of one. With history dang near coming around full circle, how do you feel about it to date? Do you partake? Would you allow your children to date outside of their own? Queens do you feel a...
  3. Old Man Cain

    Thoughts on this pic

    I'm cool with supporting my woman, women and daughters like buddy did. BUT no way in hell my son and I are painting our nails for the cause. FOH What's your thoughts is this no big deal or would you go against your norm to support your loved ones while including your child?
  4. Golden

    Random Lady Thoughts

    Say what's on your mind, beauty forum style