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alabama pigs

  1. StringerBell

    Alabama pigs gloat over "quilt" made from cardboard signs confiscated from homeless people over Christmas

  2. StringerBell

    Update: Alabama pig who killed an unarmed black man found guilty for manslaughter..

    https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/19/us/montgomery-greg-gunn-trial.html update:
  3. StringerBell

    Waffle House calls black woman's arrest 'appropriate'. Update: Calls to boycott Waffle House grow..

    https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/04/23/waffle-house-defends-black-customers-arrest/543618002/ Smh.. That woman was disrespected like that by those pigs over some damn utensils.. Only in AmeriKKKa...