You don't go into it with the intention of looking for this
I'm not gonna intentionally marry someone who's better at money cause I'm not. In the course of us dating then deciding to get married, that's a conversation we can have as a unit but I'm not telling women on dates "I hope you're better at finances than I am cause...."
Being able to cook isn't limited to women. It's a survival skill. If you're a man and don't know how to cook then you have fail
People admire others because they cannot do what the other person can do.
Everyone cannot cook. Infact, most people can't cook. Most people cannot cook a 1 star 3 course meal.
If you come across a woman that can cook 2 star meals, and you like to eat, why would you not get with her for that? She took the time to learn how to cook that well because she wants to be admired for it. Cooking is a form of expression, it's not just a survival skill. A big ass pot of spaghetti to last the whole week ain't what most people think about when they think about food they want to eat for pleasure.
It's the same thing with money, most people don't got 20K saved in cash. If you can't do that because of various reasons, and you should find someone that is good with money so it can rub off on you.
You only gonna be as good or bad as the people that you are around. If someone loves you and cares about you and they are good with money, they are going to teach you not hold it against you.
Same with cooking, I only got really good at cooking because one of my girlfriends was a chef and I wanted to be able to cook her a Christmas dinner that she would approve of because she always cooked magnificent meals for me. I can really really cook because of her.
I became a good painter and sketch artist because I fell in love with an artist and she made a portrait of me. I said, "That's very beautiful, teach me." She taught me how paint, I took care of her through her MFA. I paint and draw because of her.
Most of the things that I have gotten good at besides the things I was naturally predisposed to is because someone that I admired loved me enough to teach me and I openly said I love you because you can do this and I can't. Most people don't see it as a red flag. A mate is gonna find out all the things you are terrible at anyway and they are gonna find out what they can live with and what they can't. Might as well get in front of it.