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OPINION What life event would make you delete the old nudes from your phone?

What if she handed you her phone on some “take this picture” shit and it was right in the camera roll

Similar question to your topic, if you date a chick and her ex bf or ex husband pictures are hung around her place, would you ask her to take them shits down?
My girl finding them.

I keep all my noodz and homemade videos in my secured folder with a pass code she won't know. As long as she knows that folder doesn't exist i should be good. Otherwise she will see a lot of familiar faces playing with their pussy or me receiving pleasure from other women making them say the same stuff I make her say.

Ugh just the thought is stressing me out.

What life event would make you delete the old nudes from your phone?​

Umm man idk. I've deleted shit before and regretted it. Them shits was extraordinary and I did work hard for them smh sigh.

Back in the physical album days an ex went through an album of mine and found some pics that a kind couple of ladies gave to me.

I threw them out because I completely forgot about them and didn't care and lastly because she didn't ask me to even tho I knew she felt away.

Nowadays if a bitch piss me off I'll remove her shits from out my presence and put them elsewhere 😒

The bold is way too willy nilly for me lmao

I didn't know men go through women's phones
I don't(done it once on invitation) but sometimes dudes need to. This one chick used to be way too brazen with me and claimed she never deleted messages or anything because her dude never searched her phone.
The ark of the covenant.
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Damn memory lane
Some strong brothas on the ic mayne
Shout outs to y'all.