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Breaking News Jay-Z accused in a civil lawsuit of r*ping a 13yo girl in 2000 along w/ ‘Diddy’ Update: Accuser speaks “I have made some mistakes”

BTW, 2 tethers cosigned your post 1st

You know, the same tethers who are notorious for undermining black Americans and thats why we are delineating from them

So yea
look at the Foreigners wishing the downfall of a powerful black American

And this is why yall on your own ICE pulls up
I'ma always look at any type of case that's looking for a civil trial only.
Idk. Go to the police station, file a police report.
If you're a victim, justice should be a priority first.
I see what you're saying but you think your local precinct is going to launch an investigation on 24 year old alligations? A person can't actually file criminal charges on someone. But you know what might force the state's hand to file those charges? The defendant losing a civil case connected to those same allegations.
I'll wait for more evidence....but innocent until proven guilty. And this lawyer is a shakedown artist imo... I have questions like what happened that night the incident happened. It says she called her father to pick her up... did they call 911? They call police? Go to the hospital? Anything?

t's just crazy that something like this goes straight to a civil trial and not criminal.. I understand there may be a statute of limitations...but we know there's no repurcussions if you make false accusations......
The biggest mistake in that response is releasing it through the RocNation page. Other than that going on the offensive against an allegation like this should only be done if you 100% certain ain't no dirt on your name.