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should speaking ebonics be considered a disability?

There are some really wise and intelligent people that have English as their second language.

When we hear these accents and broken English, from like someone who’s Russian, or Italian, or Jamaican even.

Because those people have a long history of being promoted as those concepts. We sub consciously excuse the broken English and listen to what they have to say, it not allow ourselves to believe that what they have to say is even more wise or intelligent because it’s behind those accents in broken English

But because we African Americans have been routinely categorized stupid and unwise. We don’t sub consciously do the same.

It’s not the Opps fault for that belief, it’s ingrained in the American and for the most part, the worlds think tank.

Unfortunately…there are men and woman from the Deep South that speak entirely Ebonics and could be the lead consultants on dealing with matters concerning discernment at your business.

Wisdom isn’t exclusive to any language, and lacking the mastery of a language doesn’t dictate intelligence.