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Added to Calendar: 11-22-24

I'm going to wait til maybe next week and ask my slave take. So much in this movie under the radar.

Give people time to digest. I did watch it twice on bootleg before it came out
When the gladiators was gettin yelled at for the crossbow mishap

Movie was decent. Denzel Littlefinger was the movie and no one else held a candle to his acting quite frankly

I don't think all the callbacks to the prior movie helped at all, including riffs of that classic score

The entrance of the guy with the rhino was epic stuff. WWE times a thousand

The last scene was dumb too
Denzel made the movie. Had some bad CGI. I should’ve watched the first one again because I only remembered Maximus’ murdered son
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Denzel had a bigger than i expected. He was in it more than the Mandalorian.

Wasnt as good as the OG. Felt like GOT mixed w Gladiator.

The characters were annoying. Even Denzels fruity character. Everyone is gay. The brother emperors were WOAT.

Highlights were rhino, baboons, & sharks. CGI wasnt the best.Too many callbacks