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WWE Survivor Series War Games 🇨🇦 (11/30/24)

Added to Calendar: 11-30-24

After Nak...I wouldn't be surprised if Lud wins. Then again...I can see Shameus finally winning it
Yall think Sheamus getting his Grand Slam tonight?

Believe it or not, it wouldn’t surprise me.

I hate how they hot potato the IC title, but I can see them doing it again just to tick a box for Sheamus and give it back to Bron at a later date smh

Plus Bron has boo boo job face
Believe it or not, it wouldn’t surprise me.

I hate how they hot potato the IC title, but I can see them doing it again just to tick a box for Sheamus and give it back to Bron at a later date smh

Plus Bron has boo boo job face

Fuck that. Keep the title on Bron. I need Bron vs Jacob at Wrestlemania.