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It's Now Illegal For Homeless People To Sleep On The Sidewalk and Public Parks In Florida

No the alternative is jail when we (tax payers) will prob pay thousands or tens of thousands per person, to be locked up for being homeless and they eventually get out to just homeless again. Once again we pick the most expensive and least cost effective way to fake fix a problem, just like anti homeless architecture.

And most people will be fine with that because we love looking down on people in this country & now they can just call the cops on someone being homeless and get them removed & their stuff thrown away. Then later complain how much it costs and that theyre still there, because heres a shocker, homeless people dont have much to lose. Them going to jail isnt going ruin their career......

Now it's up to Florida to develop the resources to PROVIDE EVERYTHING that the article states. If you don't want them in Public places, you have to provide a place for them to get the help they need.

This New Florida Bill HB 1365....

"Homeless individuals are prohibited from camping on city streets, sidewalks, and parks and instead placed in temporary shelters monitored by law enforcement agencies under the new law, which takes effect Oct. 1. "

"Beginning in January 2025, the law will allow residents, local business owners and the state attorney general to file a lawsuit to stop any city or county from allowing the homeless to camp or sleep on public property.

The state Department of Children and Families will oversee local governments that set up designated areas for the homeless to camp for up to a year."

"Anyone using those encampments would be prohibited from using alcohol or illegal drugs, with sanitation and security to be provided."

"The encampments would be created if local homeless shelters reach maximum capacity, according a news release from the governor's office. The law requires regional entities to provide necessary behavioral treatment access as a condition of a county or city creating an encampment."

It started as a Bill, and now it's a Law... Let's see what Florida does now. Floridians do NOT pay State Income Tax...so where are they going to get the money to pay for all of this?
This is going on in other states as well.

For anybody who lost their jobs, went through a messy divorce, had a medical emergency, mental health crisis or just got priced outta their dwelling ( or a combination of those things), you deserve better and you have my deepest sympathies.

For the drug addicts, alcoholics and lazy bums who enjoy being homeless and getting high and drunk… Fuck you. Do better!
In Ft. Lauderdale, its also illegal to feed the homeless. Most the homeless are downtown and they build a bunch of overpriced high rises in the last few years. At night the homeless usually sleep at the big bus station or in front of the library thats closed for renovations. I expect the wypipo to file lawsuits cuz they see where they sleep, not even that they're sleeping in front of their building.
Billions going to other countries for no good reason, meanwhile we got people living on the street and next to no resources for them.
One of the reasons is because of yall "pull ya self up from ya bootstraps" mentality thats being promoted & accepted

With all the Americans that believe the lie that min wage jobs were never meant to be a living wage to support people, and pay for those jobs shouldnt be raised, you think they want to help the homeless?
One of the reasons is because of yall "pull ya self up from ya bootstraps" mentality thats being promoted & accepted

With all the Americans that believe the lie that min wage jobs were never meant to be a living wage to support people, and pay for those jobs shouldnt be raised, you think they want to help the homeless?

And yet, even when we had a Democrat president and Democrats in control of the House and Senate what changed???


You'd think they would at least push through legislation that raised the minimum wage, or blanket healthcare coverage for all, but that shit ain't happen. They didn't help the homeless, they didn't do shit for the poor. Didn't happen when Biden had full control, damned sure didn't happen when Obama had full control.
And yet, even when we had a Democrat president and Democrats in control of the House and Senate what changed???


You'd think they would at least push through legislation that raised the minimum wage, or blanket healthcare coverage for all, but that shit ain't happen. They didn't help the homeless, they didn't do shit for the poor. Didn't happen when Biden had full control, damned sure didn't happen when Obama had full control.

A massive deflection to yelling at dems for some reason, but ok....... During Bidens majority I swore they barely held a majority vote and had to deal with mad filibusters and flip flops by certain people who are registered Dem, but whos voting strangely aligns more to Republicans. So most bills were slow af to get passed. But even during all of that, the did pass important legislation, even if they werent able to get everything they wanted in the time frame. I'd list them but im sure you dont care. And yes they did do shit for the poor.

Since you brought up Obama, i looked it up to make sure. Back then (in 09') the dems only held the majority for 72 days. You expecting them to scramble together and fix everything in less than 3 months is laughable. Only thing a really question about that era is why Obama didnt stop being a dope & just force shit through without it being bipartisan. They stalled his ass long enough to just str8 up say no.

Yall red pill niggas is something else. Yall need to cut back on the social media videos. Because yall really just turning in old angry white men online. That turn every random convo into yall ranting about anyone you think is liberal. Go touch some grass & get some exercise.
A massive deflection to yelling at dems for some reason, but ok....... During Bidens majority I swore they barely held a majority vote and had to deal with mad filibusters and flip flops by certain people who are registered Dem, but whos voting strangely aligns more to Republicans. So most bills were slow af to get passed. But even during all of that, the did pass important legislation, even if they werent able to get everything they wanted in the time frame. I'd list them but im sure you dont care. And yes they did do shit for the poor.

Since you brought up Obama, i looked it up to make sure. Back then (in 09') the dems only held the majority for 72 days. You expecting them to scramble together and fix everything in less than 3 months is laughable. Only thing a really question about that era is why Obama didnt stop being a dope & just force shit through without it being bipartisan. They stalled his ass long enough to just str8 up say no.

Yall red pill niggas is something else. Yall need to cut back on the social media videos. Because yall really just turning in old angry white men online. That turn every random convo into yall ranting about anyone you think is liberal. Go touch some grass & get some exercise.

Under Obama, they held a majority in both houses from January 3, 2009 to January 3, 2011. The 72 days was how long they held the supermajority of 60-40, after which they still held the majority vote in both houses. The 111th Congress was characterized as the most productive congress since the 60's with all manner of laws being passed...

And, I have to correct myself: Obama did bump minimum wage to 7.25/hr at the very beginning of his first term in office, and while there were plenty of places where 7.25/hr could keep a roof over a single person's head and food on the table back in those days (if you worked a steady 40hrs a week), for a family it simply wasn't enough; it should have been higher. Minimum wage was increased twice under Bush, we should have seen the same under Obama.

And even with that, Obama did nothing for the poor. ACA put money into the pockets of the wealthy, which is why stock in in health insurance companies shot straight up the day he signed it into law. Obama's changes to HUD were supposed to eliminate homelessness by 2023... Well that didn't fuckin work.

Poor people stay poor under Dems and the GOP. Homeless people stay homeless under both parties. As I said earlier, we send literal billions of dollars overseas but don't do shit for the people at home that need it the most. You make sure your house is in order before you can extend a helping hand to anyone else.