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Fair or Foul: Should Parents Be Held Responsible For Crimes Their Kids Commit?


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
With the recent events of the Georgia high school mass shooter's father being charged, it raises the question of whether parents should be held responsible for their children's crimes.

Fair or Foul?
Situational. Like buying your kid a rifle and then kid shoots up school that def on the parent.

Now a kid with mental issues and parent have done everything in their power to get them help and resources and the kid still snaps then I can’t really blame the parents because at some point some people are just off
If they are 14 and under, yes.
If they are 15-17, situationally. Like if a parent failed to properly secure a firearm, encouraged poor behavior, etc.

If you have domain over someone and they do wrong, you bear some responsibility.
These racists in high power positions are doing the Birdman hand rub with how petty they’re about to be when a black kid does something.

ehhh theres a big difference between legally buying your kid a gun or allowing your kid access(knowingly or unknowingly) to your legally purchased gun doing some fucked up ship.. than a kid getting their hands on an illegal gun and doing some fucked up shit.. kinda hard to pin that on the parents as being responsible for that
ehhh theres a big difference between legally buying your kid a gun or allowing your kid access(knowingly or unknowingly) to your legally purchased gun doing some fucked up ship.. than a kid getting their hands on an illegal gun and doing some fucked up shit.. kinda hard to pin that on the parents as being responsible for that
Lol at thinking they give a fuck about logic and common sense. They move the goal posts….
I think it depends on if the parents knew something was wrong but did nothing about it and if they somehow enabled the child (e.g., gave the kid easy access to a weapon) through their own negligence.
Exactly this. If the parent contributed to the act because of their negligence or direct action then they should be charged.

If the kid is going behind the parent’s back and they’ve taken every precaution to prevent the action then nah.
Of course not. Pretty much every mass shooter has been mentally deranged, but sure throwing the parents in jail will make people feel like justice was served.

I would think single mothers who support this haven't thought this through, because most kids who fuck up come from those situations.
Exactly this. If the parent contributed to the act because of their negligence or direct action then they should be charged.

If the kid is going behind the parent’s back and they’ve taken every precaution to prevent the action then nah.

At least we can agree on this.

If the parents have called the cops, got the kid counseling, locked up any firearms in the house (if there are any) in a way where the kid reasonably can't get to 'em, etc and the kid STILL manages to get his/her hand on a firearm and shoots up a spot then the parents did all they could; leave them alone.

But if you give the muhfucka a gun or allow them free access to yours after being told the muhfucka got issues then, yeah, you're on the hook for it and need to be prosecuted.
Of course not. Pretty much every mass shooter has been mentally deranged, but sure throwing the parents in jail will make people feel like justice was served.

I would think single mothers who support this haven't thought this through, because most kids who fuck up come from those situations.

Most school shooter I don’t think come from single moms tho.
Of course not. Pretty much every mass shooter has been mentally deranged, but sure throwing the parents in jail will make people feel like justice was served.

I would think single mothers who support this haven't thought this through, because most kids who fuck up come from those situations.

I said this in another thread:

konceptjones said:
... Nearly every mass shooter in the last 20-25 years had mental issues and some were even reported to the police on more than one occasion...

We can't keep ignoring this whole mental health issue that's reared it's head with damned near every mass shooter.
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